1 |
Bad Franchisors!
Bellin, Howard
Haworth Press
2 |
Barriers to Franchising in Saudi Arabia
Alharbi, M.M.
Haworth Press
3 |
Book Review Policy of the Journal of Marketing Channels
Buchan, Jenny; Herndon, Neil C.
Haworth Press
4 |
BOOK REVIEWS - ACOLIT, Volume 1: Bibbia, Chiesa Cattolica, Curia Romana, Stato Pontificio, Vaticano, Papi e Antipapi = Bible, Catholic Church, Roman Curia, Papal State, Vatican, Popes and Antipopes. Redazione: Mauro Guerrini, Paola Pieri, Fausto Ruggieri, Luciano Tempestini. Acolit: Autori Cattolici e Opere Liturgiche: Una Lista di Autorit' = Catholic Authors and Liturical Works: An Authority List, diretto da Mauro Guerrini/
Carpenter, Michael
Haworth Press
5 |
BOOK REVIEWS - Catalogazione. Enciclopedia tascabile, 16/
Guerrini, Mauro
Haworth Press
6 |
BOOK REVIEWS - Cataloging Hebrew Materials in the Online Environment: A Comparative Study of American and Israeli Approaches/
Carpenter, Michael
Haworth Press
7 |
BOOK REVIEWS - Cataloging of Audiovisual Materials and Other Special Materials: A Manual Based on AACR 2, 4th ed/
Carpenter, Michael
Haworth Press
8 |
BOOK REVIEWS - Examples to Accompany Descriptive Cataloging of Rare Books, 2nd ed., prepared by the Bibliographic Standards Committee of the Rare Books and Manuscripts Section, Association of College and Research Libraries/
Carpenter, Michael
Haworth Press
9 |
BOOK REVIEWS - Library of Congress Classes JZ and KZ: Historical Notes and Introduction to Application/
Carpenter, Michael
Haworth Press
10 |
BOOK REVIEWS - MARC/AACR2/Authority Control Tagging/
Carpenter, Michael
Haworth Press
11 |
BOOK REVIEWS - Riflessioni su Principi, Standard, Regole e Applicazioni: Saggi Di Storia, Teoria E Technica Della Catalogazione/
Guerrini, Mauro
Haworth Press
12 |
BOOK REVIEWS - Serials Cataloging Handbook: An Illustrative Guide to the Use of AACR2R and LC Rule Interpretations, 2nd. Edition/
Carpenter, Michael
Haworth Press
13 |
BOOK REVIEWS - Subject Analysis/
Carpenter, Michael
Haworth Press
14 |
Brand Advertising in an Access–Ownership World: How Marketing Channels Impact Message Persuasiveness
Harding, Lora Mitchell; Schenkel, Mark T.
Haworth Press
15 |
Branding and Marketing Channel Strategies: Some Effects on Channel Partners
Bellin, Howard
Haworth Press
16 |
Branding Decisions for Retailers' Private Labels
Amrouche, N.; Rhouma, T.B.; Zaccour, G.
Haworth Press
17 |
Branding Decisions for Retailers’ Private Labels
Amrouche, Nawel; Rhouma, Tarek Ben; Zaccour, Georges
Haworth Press
18 |
BRICS, Brexit, and Beyond: International Dynamics of Marketing Channels
Herndon, Neil C.
Haworth Press
19 |
BRICS, Brexit, and Beyond: International Dynamics of Marketing Channels—An Overview
Vogt, Roland
Haworth Press