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1 저널기사 A better bake-off Lloyd's Register took on a charity truffle-making challenge set by the Beyond Food Foundation and the results were anything but typical 미리보기
unknown IQA 2014
2 저널기사 Backchat The going rate for fresh air, and a `higher quality' curriculum for schools, incorporating the works of Russell Brand and Dizzee Rascal 미리보기
unknown IQA 2014
3 저널기사 Back Chat The lighter side of quality: a PR blunder that called in the bomb squad, the creation of the perfect cuppa (at a price) and McDonald's new mascot that is dividing opinion 미리보기
unknown IQA 2014
4 저널기사 Back Chat The lighter side of quality: a Six Sigma squirrel, Willy Wonka's convictions and the perfect way to eat a burger 미리보기
unknown IQA 2014
5 저널기사 Backchat The lighter side of quality: bad taste at McDonald's; an unlikely lecture on emergency practices and monkey business at a Berlin hotel 미리보기
unknown IQA 2014
6 저널기사 Back Chat The lighter side of quality: German airport woes and the dawn of the plastic bank note 미리보기
unknown IQA 2014
7 저널기사 Back Chat The lighter side of quality: hi-tech wigs and the power of country air 미리보기
unknown IQA 2014
8 저널기사 Back Chat The lighter side of quality: the Cadbury sweetener, standardised toilets and the great jam debate 미리보기
unknown IQA 2013
9 저널기사 Back Chat The lighter side of quality: the King and Queen of Complainers, and an embarrassing translation error on a Welsh road sign 미리보기
unknown IQA 2013
10 저널기사 Backchat The underground line that's 14 years late, a disastrous Christmas experience and a poorly worded cafe sign that provoked a backlash 미리보기
unknown IQA 2015
11 저널기사 Big Picture A moonwalking astronaut as you've never seen one before 미리보기
unknown IQA 2014
12 저널기사 Big Picture BAE's latest state-of-the-art submarine, Artful 미리보기
unknown IQA 2014
13 저널기사 Big Picture The tallest bridge in the world, the Millau Viaduct 미리보기
unknown IQA 2014
14 저널기사 Big Q What is the biggest question facing quality in 2015? 미리보기
unknown IQA 2015
15 저널기사 Blowing the whistle The importance and value of exposing wrongdoing at work 미리보기
unknown IQA 2013
16 저널기사 Book reviews, useful websites and top tips 미리보기
unknown IQA 2013
17 저널기사 Book reviews, useful websites and top tips 미리보기
unknown IQA 2012
18 저널기사 Book reviews, useful websites and top tips 미리보기
unknown IQA 2012
19 저널기사 Britain's first female fighter pilot, Jo Salter, speaks to QW about the parallels between flying and management 미리보기
unknown IQA 2012
20 저널기사 Britain's innovation failure, plus the latest industry and CQI news 미리보기
unknown IQA 2013
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