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1 저널기사 Bacteriophage, T4 baseplate gene 26. Ⅱ. Synthesis of a smaller peptide of gene 26 is initiated at an unusual AUU codon / 미리보기
Vaiskunaite, R.J Nauka 1993
2 저널기사 Bacterioplankton and intensity of processes of sef-clarification in coastal waters of Gelendzhik Bay of the Black Sea / 미리보기
Ilchenko, S. V Nauka 1991
3 저널기사 Barnase mutant ser57ALA : 미리보기
Kolbanovskaya, E.Yu Nauka 1994
4 저널기사 Beabealshvilli R.sh. Cloning and restriction mapping of Mycoplasma galliseptium genome region encoding for rRNA operon and tuf gene / 미리보기
Scamrov, A.V Nauka 1991
5 저널기사 Bent DNA and low-melting DNA sequences in the region of replication origin of the chicken α-globin gene domain / 미리보기
Krayevski, V.A Nauka 1992
6 저널기사 Benthic communities of the coral reefs of the Kondao Islands (the South China Sea) / 미리보기
Latypov, Yu. Ya Nauka 1993
7 저널기사 Binding of isolated yeast Phe-tRNA anticodon arm to Escherichia coli 30S and 70S ribosomes. Guanosine-42 is important for binding / 미리보기
Nekhai, S.A Nauka 1994
8 저널기사 Binding of nuclear factors to the c-fos promoter region (-464) - (-435) correlates with cell proliferation / 미리보기
Lavrovski, Ya.V Nauka 1994
9 저널기사 Biocenoses of bottom fauna in the eastern part of the Baltic Sea / 미리보기
Apollov, A. B Nauka 1992
10 저널기사 Biochemical features of M1 protein matrix in influenza virus C / 미리보기
Mironova, N.I Nauka 1993
11 저널기사 Biogeochemistry of skeletons of coldwater Bryozoa / 미리보기
Borisenko, Yu. A Nauka 1991
12 저널기사 Biogeographical structure of the amphipod fauna of the shelf of Western Sakhalin and Moneron Island / 미리보기
Budinkova, L. L Nauka 1993
13 저널기사 Bioindication of phenolic pollution in marine coastal area using microorganisms 미리보기
Dimitrieva, G. Yu Nauka 1995
14 연속간행물 biologiya morya 미리보기
중앙도서관 대출불가(별치) 열기
Akademiia nauk SSSR Akademiia nauk SSSR Otdelenie obshchei biologii Danevostochnyi nauchnyi tsentr Nauka 1975-
15 저널기사 Biology of the blue rock-fish in Tauiskaya Bay,Sea of Okhotsk / 미리보기
Kondrat'ev, M. A Nauka 1996
16 저널기사 Biology of the Parapasiphae sulcatifrons shrimp / 미리보기
Burukovsky R. N Nauka 1993
17 저널기사 Biotesting of water in marine aquaria using the embryos of sea urchin Strongylocentrotus intermedius / 미리보기
Naidenko, T. Kh Nauka 1996
18 저널기사 Bi-quantic mechanism of diphenylhexatriene photoisomerization in micellar systems / 미리보기
Kaler, G.V Nauka 1991
19 저널기사 Blastogenesis,cormogenesis and evolution / 미리보기
Ivanova-Kazas, O. M Nauka 1996
20 저널기사 Book Review 미리보기
Nauka 1996
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