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1 저널기사 A balance analysis of phosphorus elimination by artificial calcite precipitation in a stratified hardwater lake 미리보기
Dittrich, M Pergamon Press 1980
2 저널기사 A ball-indentation method to evaluate the critical stress for dislocation generation in a silicon substrate/ 미리보기
Ohta, H Pergamon Press 2001
3 저널기사 A Bangladesh soap opera: privatisation, accounting, and regimes of control in a less developed country/ 미리보기
Uddin, Shahzad Pergamon Press 2001
4 저널기사 A barium copper titanate. The synthesis and structural characterization of Ba~8Cu~2Ti~2~2O~5~4 미리보기
Adams, R. D. Layland, R. Pergamon Press 1993
5 저널기사 A barium sulfur-phosphorous-nitrogen ring system: synthesis and crystal structure of Ba[(SP(Ph)~2)~2N]~2 �2DME 미리보기
Kraeuter, G. Rees, W. S. Sunny, S. K. Pergamon Press 1993
6 저널기사 A base labile handle for solid phase organic chemistry 미리보기
Garcia-Echeverria, C Pergamon Press 1980
7 저널기사 A basic investigation in origins of AOX-substances in paper sludges 미리보기
Welker, A Pergamon Press 1980
8 저널기사 A basic peroxidase from wheat kernel with antifungal activity/ 미리보기
Caruso, Carla Pergamon Press 2001
9 저널기사 A basic peroxidase isoenzyme from vacuoles and cell walls of Vitis vinifera 미리보기
Morales, M Pergamon Press 1997
10 저널기사 A Bayesian method of estimating kinetic parameters for the inactivation of Cryptosporidium parvum oocysts with chlorine dioxide and ozone/ 미리보기
Sivaganesan, M Pergamon Press 2003
11 저널기사 A beam element for non-symmetric composite shafts/ 미리보기
Wettergren, H�kan L Pergamon Press 2000
12 저널기사 A behavioral study of accounting variables in performance incentive contracts 미리보기
Shields, M. D.;Waller, W. S. Pergamon Press 1988
13 저널기사 A BEM approach to the stress concentration reduction in visco-plastic plates by multiple holes 미리보기
Providakis, C. P Pergamon Press 1997
14 저널기사 A bench study on lead removal from battery manufacturing wastewater by carbonate precipitation 미리보기
Macchi, G Pergamon Press 1980
15 저널기사 A benzoic acid glycoside from Geniostoma antherotrichum 미리보기
Rashid, M. A Pergamon Press 1996
16 저널기사 A benzoquinone from Cynanchum wilfordii 미리보기
Yeo, H Pergamon Press 1997
17 저널기사 A benzoxepine derivative from Delphinium formosum 미리보기
Mericli, F Pergamon Press 1996
18 저널기사 A biflavonoid from Cycas beddomei 미리보기
Rani, M. S Pergamon Press 1998
19 저널기사 A biflavonoid from Dysoxylum lenticellare Gillespie 미리보기
He, K Pergamon Press 1996
20 저널기사 A bifurcation study of double diffusive flows in a laterally heated stably stratified liquid layer 미리보기
Dijkstra, H. A Pergamon Press 1980
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