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61 저널기사 Bioremediation of diesel-oil-contaminated alpine soils at low temperatures 미리보기
Margesin, R Springer International 1997
62 저널기사 Bioremediation of pentachlorophenol-contaminated soil by bioaugmentationusing activated soil 미리보기
Barbeau, C Springer International 1997
63 저널기사 Bioremediation of polychlorinated biphenyl-contaminated soil using carvone and surfactant-grown bacteria/ 미리보기
Singer, A C Springer International 2000
64 저널기사 Biosynthesis and chemical reactions of poly(amino acid)s from microorganisms 미리보기
Kunioka, M Springer International 1997
65 저널기사 Biosynthesis of methionine from homocysteine, cystathionine and homoserine plus cysteine by mixed rumen microorganisms in vitro/ 미리보기
Or-Rashid, M M Springer International 2001
66 저널기사 Biosynthesis of poly(3-hydroxybutyrate-Co-3-hydroxyvalerate) by a mutantof Sphaerotilus natans 미리보기
Takeda, M Springer International 1995
67 저널기사 Biosynthesis of poly (gamma-glutamic acid) from L-glutamine, citric acidand ammonium sulfate in Bacillus subtilis IFO3335 미리보기
Kunioka, M Springer International 1995
68 저널기사 Biosynthesis of ribosome-inactivating proteins from callus and cell suspension cultures of Mirabilis expansa (Ruiz &Pavon)/ 미리보기
Vivanco, J M Springer International 2000
69 저널기사 Bio-synthesis of the sesquiterpenic phytoalexin capsidiol in elicited root cultures of chili pepper (Capsicum annuum) 미리보기
Chavez-Moctezuma, M. P Springer International 1996
70 저널기사 Biosynthetic production of type II fish antifreeze protein: fermentationby Pichia pastoris 미리보기
Loewen, M. C Springer International 1997
71 저널기사 Biotechnological application of Pseudomonas aeruginosa lipase: efficientkinetic resolution of amines and alcohols 미리보기
Jaeger, K.-E Springer International 1996
72 저널기사 Biotechnological applications of green fluorescent protein/ 미리보기
March, J. C Springer International 2003
73 저널기사 Biotechnological production and applications of pullulan/ 미리보기
Leathers, T. D Springer International 2003
74 저널기사 Biotechnological production of prostaglandins 미리보기
Lamacka, M Springer International 1997
75 저널기사 Biotechnological solubilization of rock phosphate on media containing agro-industrial wastes/ 미리보기
Vassilev, N Springer International 2003
76 저널기사 Biotransformation of an exogenously supplied isoflavonoid by transgenic tobacco cells expressing alfalfa isoflavone reductase/ 미리보기
Cooper, D Springer International 2002
77 저널기사 Biotransformation of benzeldehyde to L-phenylacetylcarbinol, an intermediate in L-ephedrine production, by immobilized Candida utilis 미리보기
Shin, H. S Springer International 1995
78 저널기사 Biotransformation of limonene by bacteria, fungi, yeasts, and plants/ 미리보기
Duetz, W. A Springer International 2003
79 저널기사 Biotransformation of linoleic acid with the Candida tropicalis M25 mutant 미리보기
Fabritius, D Springer International 1997
80 저널기사 Biotransformation of tryptamine and secologanin into plant terpenoid indole alkaloids by transgenic yeast/ 미리보기
Geerlings, A Springer International 2001
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