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1 단행본 B2B-Internet-Marktplatze als Gegenstand des deutschen und europaischen Kartellrechts 미리보기
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Christof Roman Hupe Nomos 2005
2 단행본 The Babylonian laws 미리보기
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edited by G. R. Driver and John C. Miles Clarendon Press 1956
3 단행본 Bachelor und Master in der beruflichen Bildung:Mo@glichkeiten und Grenzen der Verwendung der Bezeichnungen Bachelor und Master im nichtakademischen Bereich 미리보기
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Volker Epping, Sebastian Lenz Nomos 2007
4 단행본 Bad laws 미리보기
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Philip Johnston Constable 2010
5 단행본 Bahnstrecken fu@r den hochgeschwindigkeitsverkehr:aktuelle rechtsfragen des eisenbahn- und immissionsschutzrechts 미리보기
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Jo@rg Ennuschat Nomos 2011
6 단행본 Bail in criminal proceedings 미리보기
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Neil Corre, David Wolchover Oxford University Press 2004
7 단행본 Baker and Milsom sources of English legal history:private law to 1750 미리보기
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[compiled] by Sir John Baker Oxford University Press 2010 URL
8 단행본 Balancing liberty and security:human rights, human wrongs 미리보기
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Kate Moss Palgrave Macmillan 2011
9 단행본 Balancing wealth and health : the battle over intellectual property and access to medicines in Latin America 미리보기
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edited by Rochelle C. Dreyfuss and César Rodríguez-Garavito Oxford University Press 2014
10 단행본 Bankenaufsicht, Unternehmensverbindungen und Bankengruppen 미리보기
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Michael Senger Peter Lang 2004
11 단행본 Bankenkommentar zum Insolvenzrecht : Praxiskommentar zu allen für das Kreditinstitut als Insolvenzgläubiger relevanten Vorschriften der Insolvenzordnung 미리보기
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Cranshaw/Paulus/Michel ; Dirk Adam (Rechtsanwalt, Wellensiek Rechtsanwälte PartG mbH, Heidelberg), Dr. Friedrich L. Cranshaw (Hrsg.) (Rechtsanwalt, Finanz Colloquium Heidelberg 2016
12 단행본 Bankers' liability:risks and remedies 미리보기
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editors, Dennis Campbell, Rudolf Meroni Kluwer Law and Taxation Publishers 1993
13 단행본 Bank guarantees in international trade:the law and practice of independent (first demand) guarantees and standby letters of credit in civil law and common law jurisdictions 미리보기
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by R.I.V.F. Bertrams ICC Pub. ; Kluwer Law International 1996
14 단행본 Bankhaftung fur Kreditauskunfte im deutschen und franzosischen Recht 미리보기
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Frauke Stuphorn Peter Lang 2005
15 단행본 Banking and capital markets.2010 미리보기
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David Adams CLP 2010
16 단행본 Banking and capital markets.2011 미리보기
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David Adams CLP 2011
17 단행본 Banking and capital markets.2012 미리보기
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David Adams CLP 2012
18 단행본 Banking and finance client strategies in Asia:leading lawyers on understanding the impact of global banking reform, navigating regional banking laws, and meeting the needs of today's clients 미리보기
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Susandarini ...[et al.] Aspatore 2010
19 단행본 Banking and financial institutions law in a nutshell 미리보기
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by William A. Lovett West Pub. Co. 1988
20 단행본 Banking and financial institutions law in a nutshell 미리보기
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by William A. Lovett Thomson/West 2005
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