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82581 저널기사 The Bretton Woods Institutions and the Political Economy of International Monetary Reform - Introduction 미리보기
Bird, G. Blackwell 1995
82582 저널기사 The Bretton Woods Institutions in Developing Countries: Betes Noires or Toothless Tigers? 미리보기
Harrigan, J. 00 1996
82583 저널기사 The brevity and violence of contractions and expansions 미리보기
McKay, A.; Reis, R. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam. 2008
82584 저널기사 The Brewer-Kakalik research on services for handicapped children: A paradigm of applied policy sciences 미리보기
Ascher, W. Kluwer Academic Publishers, [etc.] 2002
82585 저널기사 THE BREWSTER-ANGLE METER / 미리보기
Linton, T 2000
Smith, Geoffrey Time, inc., etc.] 2016
82587 저널기사 The Brexit dilemma for small business: European companies respond 미리보기
Barron, Andrew; Boutary, Martine Emerald Group Publishing Limited
82588 저널기사 The Brexit negotiations: If anywhere, where are we heading? “It is complicated” 미리보기
Daniel Stockemer PALGRAVE MACMILLAN LTD. 2019
82589 저널기사 The Brexit negotiations – Content and Consequences for the UK and the EU 미리보기
Gäbler Stefanie ; Krause Manuela ; Kremheller Antonia ; Lorenz Luisa ; Potrafke Niklas Ifo-Institut fu@r Wirtschaftsforschung 2017
82590 저널기사 The Brexit Referendum in Northern Ireland: Political Duplicity and Legal Loopholes 미리보기
Mary C. Murphy M.A. Liebert 2021
82591 저널기사 The Brexit referendum: testing the support of elites and their allies for democracy; or, racists, bigots and xenophobes, oh my! 미리보기
Copus, Colin Palgrave Macmillan 2018
82592 저널기사 The Brexit Religion and the Holy Grail of the NHS 미리보기
Steven Kettell ; Peter Kerr Cambridge University Press 2021
82593 저널기사 The Brf1 and Bdp1 Subunits of Transcription Factor TFIIIB Bind to Overlapping Sites in the Tetratricopeptide Repeats of Tfc4/ 미리보기
Liao, Y American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology [etc.] 2003
82594 저널기사 The Bribe Game: Microfoundations of Corruption in Mexico 미리보기
Sarsfield, Rodolfo National Center for State Courts 2012
82595 저널기사 The Bribery Act 2010: implications for building surveyors 미리보기
Donohoe, S. Emerald Group Publishing Limited 2011
82596 저널기사 The BRIC group - How Strong a Challenge to the West? 미리보기
Winiecki, J. NTC Economic & Financial Publ. 2012
82597 저널기사 The BRICS and the evolving international monetary order: The potential economic impact of a multilateral development bank operated by Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa 미리보기
BRIAN, EASTON Institute of Chartered Accountants in Australia 2014
82598 저널기사 The BRICS bank An acronym with capital 미리보기
unknown Economist Newspaper Ltd 2014
82599 저널기사 The BRICS Bank’s potential to challenge the field of development cooperation 미리보기
Mariana Mota Prado ; Mariana Mota Prado ; Fernanda Cimini Salles ; Fernanda Cimini Salles Nomos [etc.] 2014
82600 저널기사 The BRICs The trillion-dollar club 미리보기
unknown Economist Newspaper Ltd. 2010
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