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83,388건 중 83,388건 출력
4154/4170 페이지 엑셀파일 출력


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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
83061 저널기사 The Budget was a calculated balancing exercise, but what else can the Chancellor produce pre-election, asks Andrew Goodwin of Oxford Economics 미리보기
unknown Accountancy 2014
83062 저널기사 The budget Whatever happened to those surpluses? 미리보기
83063 저널기사 The Buffer Capacity of Tomato Juice/ 미리보기
Oakley, Margarethe American Chemical Society 1936
83064 저널기사 The Buffer Effect: The Role of Color When Advertising Exposures Are Brief and Blurred This study shows that the color of the central object in a typical ad plays a key role in protecting gist perception during brief and blurred exposures 미리보기
Wedel, Michel; Pieters, Rik Institute for operations research and the managemet sciences(INFORMS) 2015
83065 저널기사 The buffering effects of job embeddedness on negative shocks 미리보기
Burton, J. P.; Holtom, B. C.; Sablynski, C. J.; Mitchell, T. R.; Lee, T. W. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam 2010
83066 저널기사 The buffet syndrome, midday menu and terry towels 미리보기
Ballet, J. r. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam. 2007
83067 저널기사 The Bugs That Descend on Computers : 미리보기
American School Food Service Association] 1989
83068 저널기사 The bug that didn't bite but gave us an upgrade 미리보기
Taylor, Emily Royal Institute of International Affairs 2015
83069 저널기사 The Building Block Approach to Unusual alpha-Amino Acid Derivatives and Peptides 미리보기
Kotha, S American Chemical Society 2003
83070 저널기사 The building blocks of an operations strategy for e-business 미리보기
Lowson, R. H.; Burgess, N. J. MCB UNIVERSITY PRESS 2003
83071 저널기사 The building blocks of cognition/ 미리보기
Rose, S. A C. V. Mosby 2003
83072 저널기사 The building blocks of consulting service excellence 미리보기
Pacia, A.A. Inderscience Enterprises 2015
83073 저널기사 The building blocks of leadership 미리보기
Mariotti, John Penton/IPC 1996
83074 저널기사 The Building Blocks of Strong Risk Management 미리보기
Malhotra, Pehlaj Risk Management Association 2015
83075 저널기사 The building bricks of product quality: An overview of some basic concepts and principles 미리보기
83076 저널기사 The Building Next Door 미리보기
Ulrich, E. J The Institute 1980
83077 저널기사 The building of employee distrust 미리보기
Elsbach, K. D.; Stigliani, I.; Stroud, A. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam. 2012
83078 저널기사 The building of knowledge spaces in Mexico: a regional approach to networking 미리보기
Casas, R. ELSEVIER 2000
83079 저널기사 The building of knowledge spaces in Mexico: a regional approach to networking 미리보기
Casas, R. ELSEVIER 2000
83080 저널기사 The Building the Bridge survey for z = 3 Lyalpha emitting galaxies. I. Method and first results/ 미리보기
Fynbo, J. P. U Springer-Verlag 2003
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