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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
1 저널기사 Coliform Bacteria and Streptococci in swimming Pool Water / 미리보기
France Ralph L 1940
2 저널기사 Community Health Education / 미리보기
Hiscock, Ira V 1940
3 저널기사 Comparative Efficiency of Endo, Lithium Chloride Endo, Desoxycholate-Citrate, and bismuth Sulfite Media for the Isolation of Eberthella Typhosa / 미리보기
Mayfield Catherine R American Public Health Association 1940
4 저널기사 Comparative Study of the Bacterial Flora of Grade A and Grade B Milk in New York City / 미리보기
Isaacs, M. L American Public Health Association 1940
5 저널기사 Conferences and Dates 미리보기
American Public Health Association 1940
6 저널기사 Conferences and Dates 미리보기
American Public Health Association 1940
7 저널기사 Conferences and Dates 미리보기
American Public Health Association 1940
8 저널기사 Conferences and Dates 미리보기
American Public Health Association 1940
9 저널기사 Conferences and Dates 미리보기
American Public Health Association 1940
10 저널기사 Conferences and Dates 미리보기
American Public Health Association 1940
11 저널기사 Conferences and Dates 미리보기
American Public Health Association 1940
12 저널기사 Coo@rdination of Educational Programs of All Health Workers / 미리보기
Harris, Reba F 1940
13 저널기사 Credit Lines : 미리보기
Armstrong, D. B 1940
14 저널기사 Credit Lines : 미리보기
Armstrong, D. B 1940
15 저널기사 Criteria for the Evaluation of Printed Matter / 미리보기
Broughton, Philip S 1940
16 저널기사 The Community Health Education Program : 미리보기
Morgan, Lucy S 1940
