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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
1 저널기사 A Conceptual Framework for Independence 미리보기
Carmichael, D. R. CPA JOURNAL 1998
2 저널기사 Computerized Audit Sampling 미리보기
Schwartz, D. A. CPA JOURNAL 1998
3 저널기사 Computer Product Listings: The technology products for the CPA in 120 words or less 미리보기
unknown CPA JOURNAL 1998
4 저널기사 Conflicts of Interest in Tax and Related Areas of Practice 미리보기
Gardner, J. CPA JOURNAL 1998
5 저널기사 Converting a corporation to an LLC 미리보기
unknown CPA JOURNAL 1998
6 저널기사 Coping with the new segment standard 미리보기
unknown CPA JOURNAL 1998
7 저널기사 CPA Perspectives on ISO 9000 미리보기
Miller, J. R. CPA JOURNAL 1998
8 저널기사 CPAs and the Unauthorized Practice of Law 미리보기
Hamill, J. R. CPA JOURNAL 1998
9 저널기사 The consolidated return and LLCs after the check-the-box regulations 미리보기
unknown CPA JOURNAL 1998
10 저널기사 The CPA and the Computer: Intranets and extranets 미리보기
unknown CPA JOURNAL 1998
11 저널기사 The CPA and the Computer: Make your e-mail powerful 미리보기
unknown CPA JOURNAL 1998
12 저널기사 The CPA as Investment Adviser 미리보기
Reeves, J. F. CPA JOURNAL 1998
13 저널기사 The CPA in Industry: Five fundamental principles of employment practices liability 미리보기
unknown CPA JOURNAL 1998
14 저널기사 The CPA in Industry: Give positive feedback 미리보기
unknown CPA JOURNAL 1998
15 저널기사 The CPA in Industry: Mission matters 미리보기
unknown CPA JOURNAL 1998
16 저널기사 The CPA in Industry - Perceptions of chief financial officers concerning FASB 미리보기
unknown CPA JOURNAL 1998
17 저널기사 The CPA in Industry: Professional employer organizations 미리보기
unknown CPA JOURNAL 1998
18 저널기사 The CPA in Industry: The Supreme Court finally lays down the law on employer liability for supervisor sexual harassment 미리보기
unknown CPA JOURNAL 1998
19 저널기사 The CPA in Industry: Understanding the value of your employees' knowledge 미리보기
unknown CPA JOURNAL 1998
20 저널기사 The CPA in Mediation and Arbitration 미리보기
unknown CPA JOURNAL 1998
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