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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
1 저널기사 CASE REPORTS - Cardiotoxic transplacental effect of idarubicin administered during the second trimester of pregnancy - Idarubicin may cross the placenta more readily than other anthracyclines and be more toxic to the fetus/ 미리보기
Achtari, Chahin C.V. Mosby Co 2000
2 저널기사 CASE REPORTS - Exacerbation of endometriosis as a result of premenopausal tamoxifen exposure - Tamoxifen-associated exacerbation of endometriosis may become more common as tamoxifen therapy is used to reduce the risk of breast cancer among high-risk premenopausal women/ 미리보기
Rose, Peter G C.V. Mosby Co 2000
3 저널기사 CASE REPORTS - Isolated elevation of serum alkaline phosphatase level in an uncomplicated pregnancy: A case report - A 10-fold antepartum increase in placentally derived serum alkaline phosphatase resolved after delivery of a healthy baby; pathologic evaluation of the placenta was unremarkable/ 미리보기
Vongthavaravat, Verapan C.V. Mosby Co 2000
4 저널기사 CASE REPORTS - Management of autonomic hyperreflexia with magnesium sulfate during labor in a woman with spinal cord injury - Magnesium sulfate dramatically improved autonomic hyperreflexia during labor in women with spinal cord injury/ 미리보기
Maehama, Toshiyuki C.V. Mosby Co 2000
5 저널기사 CASE REPORTS - Postoperative tailored radiotherapy for locally advanced breast carcinoma during pregnancy: A therapeutic dilemma - During postoperative radiotherapy for breast cancer, pregnancy was diagnosed and preserved; a healthy male neonate was born approximately 10 months after diagnosis of the cancer/ 미리보기
Kouvaris, John R C.V. Mosby Co 2000
6 저널기사 CASE REPORTS - Primary amenorrhea caused by crushing trauma of the pelvis - Obliteration of the uterine isthmus caused by crushing trauma of the pelvis was successfully treated with surgical reconstruction/ 미리보기
Donner, Geeske G C.V. Mosby Co 2000
7 저널기사 CASE REPORTS - Pyoderma gangrenosum after cesarean delivery Excessive pyoderma gangrenosum, a destructive inflammatory skin disease of unknown origin, occurred after cesarean delivery and was successfully treated/ 미리보기
R�nnau, Andrea C C.V. Mosby Co 2000
8 저널기사 CASE REPORTS - Successful application of extracorporeal membrane oxygenation and intra-aortic balloon counterpulsation as lifesaving therapy for a patient with amniotic fluid embolism - Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation and intra-aortic balloon counterpulsation were used to treat a patient with amniotic fluid embolism and left ventricular failure unresponsive to medical therapy/ 미리보기
Hsieh, Yao-Yuan C.V. Mosby Co 2000
9 저널기사 CASE REPORTS - Vaginal subtotal hysterectomy and sacrospinous colpopexy: An option in the management of uterine prolapse - Subtotal vaginal hysterectomy combined with sacrospinous colpopexy was used to treat a young patient with marked uterine prolapse who requested preservation of the cervix/ 미리보기
Hefni, Mohamed C.V. Mosby Co 2000
10 저널기사 CASE REPORTS - Vulvar epithelial inclusion cyst as a late complication of childhood female traditional genital surgery - Clitoral prepuce epidermal inclusion cyst formation was seen in an adolescent as a late sequela of female circumcision in infancy/ 미리보기
Kroll, Gigi L C.V. Mosby Co 2000
11 저널기사 CENTRAL SURGICAL ASSOCIATION - A 32-year experience in 100 patients with giant paraesophageal hernia: The case for abdominal approach and selective antireflux repair/ 미리보기
Geha, Alexander S C. V. Mosby Co 2000
12 저널기사 CENTRAL SURGICAL ASSOCIATION - Abdominal vena caval injuries: Outcomes remain dismal/ 미리보기
Hansen, Christopher J C. V. Mosby Co 2000
13 저널기사 CENTRAL SURGICAL ASSOCIATION - Academic practice groups: Strategy for survival/ 미리보기
Rodriguez, Jorge L C. V. Mosby Co 2000
14 저널기사 CENTRAL SURGICAL ASSOCIATION - All-artery multigraft coronary artery bypass grafting with only internal thoracic arteries possible and safe: A randomized trial/ 미리보기
Myers, William O C. V. Mosby Co 2000
15 저널기사 CENTRAL SURGICAL ASSOCIATION - Angioplasty does not affect subsequent operative renal artery revascularization/ 미리보기
Desai, Tina R C. V. Mosby Co 2000
16 저널기사 CENTRAL SURGICAL ASSOCIATION - A prospective surgical outcome study assessing the impact of parathyroidectomy on symptoms in patients with secondary and tertiary hyperparathyroidism/ 미리보기
Pasieka, Janice L C. V. Mosby Co 2000
17 저널기사 CENTRAL SURGICAL ASSOCIATION - Bilateral synchronous breast cancer: Mode of detection and comparison of histologic features between the 2 breasts/ 미리보기
Hungness, Eric S C. V. Mosby Co 2000
18 저널기사 CENTRAL SURGICAL ASSOCIATION - Clinical outcomes and resource usage in 100 consecutive Patients after off-pump coronary bypass procedures/ 미리보기
Lee, Jai H C. V. Mosby Co 2000
19 저널기사 CENTRAL SURGICAL ASSOCIATION - Dynamic helical computed tomography scan accurately detects hemorrhage in patients with pelvic fracture/ 미리보기
Pereira, Sara J C. V. Mosby Co 2000
20 저널기사 CENTRAL SURGICAL ASSOCIATION - Efficacy of the laparoscopic approach for anterior lumbar spinal fusion/ 미리보기
Cowles, Robert A C. V. Mosby Co 2000
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