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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
321 저널기사 Capture More Value 미리보기
Michel, S. Graduate School of Business Administration, Harvard University 2014
322 저널기사 Capturing history on camera 미리보기
Turner, N. Royal Institute of International Affairs 2014
323 저널기사 Capturing the original spark of the movies 미리보기
Thomson, D. The Republic Pub. Co 2014
324 저널기사 Capturing value from innovations: the importance of rent configurations 미리보기
Duhamel, F.; Reboud, S.; Santi, M. EMERALD 2014
325 저널기사 Carbon capture Pipe dreams 미리보기
unknown Economist Newspaper Ltd 2014
326 저널기사 Carbon Tax, Pensions and Public Deficits: The Hidden Cost of the Compartmentalization of Expertise 미리보기
Combet, E.; Hourcade, J.-C. editions dalloz 2014
327 저널기사 Car Country: An Environmental History. ByChristopher W. Wells. Seattle: University of Washington Press, 2012. xxxiv + 427 pp. Photographs, illustrations, maps, figures, bibliography, notes, index. Cloth, 미리보기
Sarah T. Phillips Harvard Graduate School of Business Administration : Cambridge University Press 2014
328 단행본 Card, Cross and Jones criminal law 미리보기
법학도서관 대출가능 열기
Richard Card Oxford University Press 2014
329 단행본 Card & James' business law 미리보기
법학도서관 대출가능 열기
Lee Roach, LLB, PhD, FHEA, Senior Lecturer in Law, School of Law, University of Portsmouth Oxford University Press 2014
330 저널기사 Career capital development of self-initiated expatriates in Qatar: cosmopolitan globetrotters, experts and outsiders 미리보기
Rodriguez, J.K.; Scurry, T. Routledge 2014
331 저널기사 Career capital development of self-initiated expatriates in Qatar: cosmopolitan globetrotters, experts and outsiders 미리보기
Rodriguez, J.K.; Scurry, T. Routledge 2014
332 저널기사 Career Choices in Information and Communication Technology among South Western Nigerian Women 미리보기
Ojokoh, Bolanle Adefowoke; Adeola, Oladele Stephen; Isinkaye, Folasade Olubusola; Abraham, Chon Idea Group Pub 2014
333 저널기사 Career Corner Becoming the right fit for future employers 미리보기
unknown American Society for Quality Control 2014
334 저널기사 Career Corner Job search requires true perseverance and effort 미리보기
unknown American Society for Quality Control 2014
335 저널기사 Career overall average relative response time of online panellists 미리보기
Vocino, A.; Polonsky, M.J. NTC Publications Ltd 2014
336 저널기사 Caregiving to Elderly Parents and Employment Status of European Mature Women 미리보기
Crespo, L.; Mira, P. Dept. of Economics, Harvard University 2014
337 저널기사 Care homes Frail and faltering 미리보기
unknown Economist Newspaper Ltd 2014
338 저널기사 Car emissions Fuel's paradise 미리보기
unknown Economist Newspaper Ltd 2014
339 저널기사 Care or Cash? The Effect of Child Care Subsidies on Student Performance 미리보기
Black, S.E.; Devereux, P.J.; Loken, K.V.; Salvanes, K.G. Dept. of Economics, Harvard University 2014
340 저널기사 Carers and Empowerment in the UK: A Critical Reflection 미리보기
Mary Larkin ; Alisoun Milne Cambridge University Press 2014
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