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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
281 저널기사 Cell-Free Synthesis of Functional Type IV Adenylyl Cyclase 미리보기
Warner, D. R Academic Press 1980
282 저널기사 Cell Polarization as a Possible Mechanism of Response Termination 미리보기
Model, M. A Academic Press 1980
283 저널기사 Cell Proliferation-Dependent Expression of Two Isoforms of the NucleolarPhosphoprotein P130 미리보기
Pai, C.-Y Academic Press 1980
284 저널기사 Cell Type-/Inducer-Specific Bidirectional Regulation by Thalidomide and Phenylphthalimides of Tumor Necrosis Factor-Alpha Production and Its Enantio-Dependence 미리보기
Miyachi, H Academic Press 1980
285 저널기사 Cell-Type-Specific Modulation of Hox Gene Expression by Members of the TGF-�Superfamily: A Comparison between Human Osteosarcoma and Neuroblastoma Cell Lines 미리보기
Kloen, P Academic Press 1980
286 저널기사 Cellular Changes and Induction of Apoptosis in Human Promyelocytic HL-60Cells Infected with the Agent of Human Granulocytic Ehrlichiosis (HGE) 미리보기
Hsieh, T.-C Academic Press 1980
287 저널기사 Cellular Mechanism of Substance P in the Regulation of Corticosteroid Secretion by Newt Adrenal Gland 미리보기
Gobbetti, A Academic Press 1980
288 저널기사 Cellular Nucleic Acid Binding Protein Binds a Conserved Region of the 5'UTR of Xenopus laevis Ribosomal Protein mRNAs 미리보기
Pellizzoni, L Academic Press 1980
289 저널기사 Cellular Response to the Redox Active Lipid Peroxidation Products: Induction of Glutathione S-Transferase P by 4-Hydroxy-2-nonenal 미리보기
Fukuda, A Academic Press 1980
290 저널기사 Central Bank Cooperation under the Interwar Gold Standard 미리보기
EICHENGREEN, BARRY Academic Press 1984
291 저널기사 Centromeric Pyrimidine Strands Fold into an Intercalated Motif by Forming a Double Hairpin with a Novel T:G:G:T Tetrad: Solution Structure of thed(TCCCGTTTCCA) Dimer 미리보기
Gallego, J Academic Press 1980
292 저널기사 Ceramide: A Novel Cell Signaling Mechanism for Vasodilation 미리보기
Johns, D. G Academic Press 1980
293 저널기사 Ceramide Induces Structural Defects into Phosphatidylcholine Bilayers and Activates Phospholipase A~2 미리보기
Huang, H.-W Academic Press 1980
294 저널기사 Ceramide Inhibits Nitric Oxide Production in Alveolar Macrophages of Endotoxin and Ethanol Plus Endotoxin-Treated Rats 미리보기
Spitzer, J. A Academic Press 1980
295 저널기사 Ceramide Profiling of Complex Lipid Mixtures by Electrospray Ionization Mass Spectrometry 미리보기
Gu, M Academic Press 1980
296 저널기사 Cerebrospinal Fluid Tau Levels in Neurodegenerative Diseases with Distinct Tau-Related Pathology 미리보기
Arai, H Academic Press 1980
297 저널기사 Certain Bibasic Hypergeometric Transformation Formulae and Their Application to Rogers-Ramanujan Identities 미리보기
Singh, U. B Academic Press 1980
298 저널기사 Cesaro Summability of Multi-dimensional Trigonometric-Fourier Series 미리보기
Weisz, F Academic Press 1980
299 저널기사 C-Fos/C-Jun Expression and AP-1 Activation in Skin Fibroblasts from Centenarians 미리보기
Grassilli, E Academic Press 1980
300 저널기사 C-Fos Is Not Essential for Apoptosis 미리보기
Gajate, C Academic Press 1980
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