21 |
Cellular Model for Induction of Drip Loss in Meat/
Lambert, I H
American Chemical Society, Books and Journals Division]
22 |
Cell Wall Degradability of Transgenic Tobacco Stems in Relation to TheirChemical Extraction and Lignin Quality
Bernard-Vailhe, M.-A
American Chemical Society, Books and Journals Division]
23 |
Chain-Breaking Antioxidant Activity and Cyclic Voltammetry Characterization of Polyphenols in a Range of Green, Oolong, and Black Teas/
Roginsky, V
American Chemical Society, Books and Journals Division]
24 |
Change in Particle Size of Pectin Reacted with Pectinesterase Isozymes from Pea (Pisum sativumL.) Sprout/
Jiang, C-M
American Chemical Society, Books and Journals Division]
25 |
Change in the Level of Vitamin C and Lipid Peroxidation in Tissues of the Inherently Scorbutic Rat during Ascorbate Deficiency
Tokumaru, S
American Chemical Society, Books and Journals Division]
26 |
Changes in Amine Concentrations during Aging of Red Wine in Oak Barrels/
Moreno, N. J
American Chemical Society, Books and Journals Division]
27 |
Changes in Biogenic Amines during the Storage of Mediterranean AnchoviesImmersed in Oil
Veciana-Nogues, M. T
American Chemical Society, Books and Journals Division]
28 |
Changes in Broccoli (Brassica oleracea L. Var. italica) Health-Promoting Compounds with Inflorescence Development/
Vallejo, F
American Chemical Society, Books and Journals Division]
29 |
Changes in Conformation and Subunit Assembly of Cod Myosin at Low and High pH and after Subsequent Refolding/
Kristinsson, H. G
American Chemical Society, Books and Journals Division]
30 |
Changes in Free Amino Acid and Kjeldahl N Concentrations in Seeds from Vegetable-Type and Grain-Type Soybean Cultivars during the Cropping Season
Yanagisawa, Y
American Chemical Society, Books and Journals Division]
31 |
Changes in Headspace Volatiles and Peroxide Values of Undeodorized Menhaden Oil over 20 Weeks of Storage
Gruen, I. U
American Chemical Society, Books and Journals Division]
32 |
Changes in Insoluble and Soluble Dietary Fiber of White Asparagus (Asparagus officinalis L.) during Different Conditions of Storage
Redondo-Cuenca, A
American Chemical Society, Books and Journals Division]
33 |
Changes in Molecular Weight of Transacylated Pectin Catalyzed by Tomato and Citrus Pectinesterases As Determined by Gel Permeation Chromatography/
Lee, C.-W
American Chemical Society, Books and Journals Division]
34 |
Changes in Nitrogenous Compounds and Rates of in Situ N Loss of Soybean Meal Treated with Sodium Hydroxide or Heat
Nishino, N
American Chemical Society, Books and Journals Division]
35 |
Changes in Organic Acid Composition during Fermentation and Aging of Noble Muscadine Wine
Lamikanra, O
American Chemical Society, Books and Journals Division]
36 |
Changes in Pectic and Hemicellulosic Polymers of Green Beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) during Industrial Processing
Stolle-Smits, T
American Chemical Society, Books and Journals Division]
37 |
Changes in Phenolic Acid Contents of Diospyros lotus L. during Fruit Development
Ahmet Ayaz, F
American Chemical Society, Books and Journals Division]
38 |
Changes in Phenolic Compounds and Browning during Biological Aging of Sherry-Type Wine
Baron, R
American Chemical Society, Books and Journals Division]
39 |
Changes in Physicochemical Characteristics and Volatile Constituents of Yellow- and White-Fleshed Nectarines during Maturation and Artificial Ripening/
Aubert, C
American Chemical Society, Books and Journals Division]
40 |
Changes in Physicochemical Properties of Dry Beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) during Long-Term Storage
Martin-Cabrejas, M. A
American Chemical Society, Books and Journals Division]