1 |
A comparative study of effects of nitrogen and argon on tyrosinase and malic dehydrogenase activities/
Zhang, Donglin
Applied Science Publishers
2 |
A comparison of the TLC-densitometry and HPLC method for the determination of biogenic amines in fish and fishery products/
Jeya Shakila, R
Applied Science Publishers
3 |
Caffeine, trigonelline, chlorogenic acids and sucrose diversity in wild Coffea arabica L. and C. canephora P. accessions/
Ky, C-L
Applied Science Publishers
4 |
Calcium ascorbate as a potential partial substitute for NaCl in dry fermented sausages: effect on colour, texture and hygienic quality at different concentrations/
Gimeno, O
Applied Science Publishers
5 |
Calcium, zinc and phytate interrelationships in some foods of major consumption in Nigeria/
Adeyeye, E I
Applied Science Publishers
6 |
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Applied Science Publishers
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Applied Science Publishers
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Applied Science Publishers
9 |
Capillary electrophoresis in food analysis
Lindeberg, J
Applied Science Publishers
10 |
Carbohydrate composition of wheat, wheat bran, sorghum and bajra with good chapati/roti (Indian flat bread) making quality/
Nandini, Chilkunda D
Applied Science Publishers
11 |
"Carbohydrates and their degrading enzymes from native and malted finger millet (Ragi, Eleusine coracana, Indaf-15)". By M. Nirmala, M.V.S.S.T. Subba Rao, G. Muralikrishna/
Applied Science Publishers
12 |
Carbon dioxide extraction of ginseng root hair oil and ginsenosides/
Wang, Huang-Chung
Applied Science Publishers
13 |
Carcass traits, muscle characteristics, and palatability attributes of lambs expressing the callipyge phenotype/
Goodson, K J
Applied Science Publishers
14 |
Castration and slaughter age effects on panel assessment and aroma compounds of the "mesti�o" goat meat/
Madruga, M S
Applied Science Publishers
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Changes in biogenic amine and polyamine contents in slightly fermented sausages manufactured with and without sugar/
Bover-Cid, Sara
Applied Science Publishers
16 |
Changes in carbohydrate, free amino acids, organic acids, phytate and HCl extractability of minerals during germination and fermentation of finger millet (Eleusine coracane)
Sripriya, G
Applied Science Publishers
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Changes in chemical composition of guava fruits during development and ripening
El Bulk, R. E
Applied Science Publishers
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Changes in enzyme activities during germination of cowpeas (Vigna unguiculata, cv. California blackeye)/
Uriyo, Maria G
Applied Science Publishers
19 |
Changes in fatty acid composition in muscle and adipose tissue of farmed rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) in relation to ration and age/
Kiessling, A
Applied Science Publishers
20 |
Changes in fatty acid, simple sugar, and oligosaccharide content of cowpea (Vigna unguiculata) flour as a result of soaking, boiling, and fermentation with Rhizopus microsporus var. oligosporus
Prinyawiwatkul, W
Applied Science Publishers