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1 저널기사 A candidate Ross River virus vaccine: preclinical evaluation 미리보기
Williams, L. Aaskov, J. Yu, S. Butterworths 1997
2 저널기사 A chain section containing epitopes for cytotoxic T, B and helper T cells within a highly conserved region found in the human immunodeficiency virus type 1 Gag protein 미리보기
Nakamura, Y Butterworths 1997
3 저널기사 A chaos approach to tourism 미리보기
McKercher, B Butterworths 1999
4 저널기사 A classical inactivated vaccine induces protection against caprine herpesvirus 1 infection in goats/ 미리보기
Tempesta, Maria Buonavoglia, Canio Greco, Grazia; Pratelli, Annamaria; Camero, Michele; Martella, Vito; Butterworths 2001
5 저널기사 A clearer distinction between HIV-1 paired isolates from peripheral blood mononuclear cells of asymptomatic carriers with and without CD8^+ T-cells at nef rather than env V3 loci 미리보기
Zhong, Q Butterworths 1997
6 저널기사 A clinical, epidemiological and laboratory study on avoiding the risk oftransmitting viral hepatitis during vaccinations with the Dermojet protected by an anticontaminant disposable device 미리보기
Dimache, G Butterworths 1997
7 저널기사 A combined dual-chamber typhoid/hepatitis A vaccine as a booster dose in hepatitis A primed adults/ 미리보기
Beran, J Butterworths 2003
8 저널기사 A compact econometric model of tourism demand for Turkey 미리보기
Akis, S Butterworths 1998
9 저널기사 A comparative evaluation of qualitative data analytic techniques in identifying volunteer motivation in tourism 미리보기
Anderson, M. J Butterworths 1999
10 저널기사 A comparative study of hazardous material transportation security issues in Flanders and in Apulia 미리보기
Zamparini, L.; Reniers, G. Butterworths 2013
11 저널기사 A comparison between IgG antibodies against Eimeria acervulina, E. maxima, and E. tenella and oocyst shedding in broiler-breeders vaccinated with live anticoccidial vaccines/ 미리보기
Guzman, V. B Butterworths 2003
12 저널기사 A comparison of antibody responses to veterinary vaccine antigens potentiated by different adjuvants 미리보기
Usinger, W. R. Butterworths 1997
13 저널기사 A comparison of DNA vaccines for the rabies-related virus, Mokola 미리보기
Nel, L. H Butterworths 2003
14 저널기사 A comparison of natural and recombinant cholera toxin B subunit as stimulatory factors in intranasal immunization 미리보기
De Geus, B Butterworths 1997
15 저널기사 A conceptual analysis of tourism-supported employment which reduces the incidence of exaggerated, misleading statistics about jobs 미리보기
Leiper, N Butterworths 1999
16 저널기사 Call for papers:8-11 November 2003,The Evergreen Conference Resort, Stone Mountain, Georgia, USA/ 미리보기
Butterworths 2003
17 저널기사 Call for papers: viral vaccine meeting 미리보기
Butterworths 2003
18 저널기사 Campylobacter jejuni in broiler chickens: colonization and humoral immunity following oral vaccination and experimental infection 미리보기
Mallinson, E. T. Rice, B. E. Carr, L. Rollins, D. M. Butterworths 1997
19 저널기사 Canine parvovirus vaccine elicits protection from the inflammatory and clinical consequences of the disease 미리보기
Roth, M. B. Johnson, A. F. Dreier, K. Yule, T. D. Butterworths 1997
20 저널기사 Carrots, sticks, and international externalities 미리보기
Chang, Howard F Butterworths 1997
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