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1 단행본 The California family law paralegal 미리보기
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Dianna L. Noyes Carolina Academic Press 2008
2 단행본 California legal research 미리보기
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Hether C. Macfarlane, Suzanne E. Rowe Carolina Academic Press 2008
3 단행본 The California probate paralegal 미리보기
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by Dianna L. Noyes Carolina Academic Press 2007
4 단행본 Cheerleading and the law:risk management strategies 미리보기
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by Herb Appenzeller, Frederick O. Mueller, Elizabeth H. Appenzeller Carolina Academic Press 2008
5 단행본 Children and juvenile justice 미리보기
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Ellen Marrus, Irene Merker Rosenberg Carolina Academic Press 2012 URL
6 단행본 Civil procedure : cases, text, notes, and problems 미리보기
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Larry L. Teply, Ralph U. Whitten, Denis F. McLaughlin Carolina Academic Press 2013
7 단행본 Civil procedure for all states:a context and practice casebook 미리보기
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Benjamin V. Madison, III Carolina Academic Press 2010
8 단행본 Closing the circle:environmental justice in Indian country 미리보기
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by James M. Grijalva Carolina Academic Press 2008
9 단행본 Commercial leasing:a transactional primer 미리보기
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Daniel B. Bogart, Celeste Hammond Carolina Academic Press 2011
10 단행본 Community association law:cases and materials on common interest communities 미리보기
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Wayne S. Hyatt, Susan F. French Carolina Academic Press 2008
11 단행본 Community economic development law:a text for engaged learning 미리보기
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Susan D. Bennett ... [et al.] Carolina Academic Press 2012
12 단행본 A companion to Bordering on madness: an American land use tale:cases, scholarship, and case studies 미리보기
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by Andrew F. Popper, Patricia E. Salkin and David Avitabile Carolina Academic Press 2008
13 단행본 Comparative criminal procedure:a casebook approach 미리보기
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by Stephen C. Thaman Carolina Academic Press 2008
14 단행본 Comparative human rights law:detention, prosecution, capital punishment 미리보기
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by A. Mark Weisburd Carolina Academic Press 2008
15 단행본 Comparative human rights law:expression, association, religion 미리보기
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by A. Mark Weisburd Carolina Academic Press 2008
16 단행본 Comparative law of contracts:cases and materials 미리보기
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by Alain A. Levasseur Carolina Academic Press 2008
17 단행본 Complementary and alternative medicine and the law 미리보기
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Lucinda E. Jesson, Stacey A. Tovino Carolina Academic Press 2010
18 단행본 A complete introduction to corporate taxation 미리보기
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Reginald Mombrun, Gail Levin Richmond Carolina Academic Press 2006
19 단행본 Computer crime, information warfare, and economic espionage 미리보기
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David J. Loundy Carolina Academic Press 2003
20 단행본 Constitutional law in context 미리보기
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Michael Kent Curtis ... [et al.] Carolina Academic Press 2010-2011
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