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1 저널기사 A call for weather condition revaluation in mega-events management 미리보기
Olya, Hossein GT Channel View Books 2019
2 저널기사 A comparative automated content analysis approach on the review of the sharing economy discourse in tourism and hospitality 미리보기
Cheng, Mingming; Edwards, Deborah Channel View Books 2019
3 저널기사 A critical discourse analysis of racial violence in South Carolina, U.S.A.: implications for traveling while Black 미리보기
Duffy, Lauren N.; Pinckney, Harrison P.; Benjamin, Stefanie; Mowatt, Rasul Channel View Books 2019
4 저널기사 A critical review of climate change risk for ski tourism 미리보기
Steiger, Robert; Scott, Daniel; Abegg, Bruno; Pons, Marc; Aall, Carlo Channel View Books 2019
5 저널기사 A cross-country comparison of accommodation manager perspectives on online review manipulation 미리보기
Gössling, Stefan; Zeiss, Harald; Hall, C. Michael; Martin-Rios, Carlos; Ram, Yael; Grøtte, Ivar-Petter Channel View Books 2019
6 저널기사 A cross-country comparison of accommodation manager perspectives on online review manipulation 미리보기
Gössling, Stefan; Zeiss, Harald; Hall, C. Michael; Martin-Rios, Carlos; Ram, Yael; Grøtte, Ivar-Petter Channel View Books 2019
7 저널기사 Can we enhance low-carbon tour intentions through climate science or responsibility sharing information? 미리보기
Horng, Jeou-Shyan; Liaw, Yuann-Jun Channel View Books 2018
8 저널기사 Challenges faced by world tourism cities – London's perspective 미리보기
Maxim, Cristina Channel View Books 2019
9 저널기사 Change management for sub-Saharan Africa's rural tourism development 미리보기
Ezeuduji, Ikechukwu O. Channel View Books 2017
10 저널기사 Charleston's newfound “entertainment zone”: should we be concerned? 미리보기
Litvin, Stephen W.; Wofford, Ellison B. Channel View Books 2017
11 저널기사 Classification of traditional cultural elements in temple street festivals using the fuzzy Kano model 미리보기
Yeh, Huery-Ren; Lin, Ling-Zhong; Lu, Chi-Fang Channel View Books 2019
12 저널기사 Climate zone crucial for efficiency of ski lift operators 미리보기
Falk, Martin; Hagsten, Eva Channel View Books 2019
13 저널기사 Cluster and firm-specific antecedents of organizational innovation 미리보기
Camisón, César; Forés, Beatriz; Boronat-Navarro, Montserrat Channel View Books 2017
14 저널기사 Cluster-mapping procedure for tourism regions based on geostatistics and fuzzy clustering: example of Polish districts 미리보기
Majewska, Justyna; Truskolaski, Szymon Channel View Books 2019
15 저널기사 Co-creation of tourist experiences: a literature review 미리보기
Campos, Ana Cláudia; Mendes, Júlio; Valle, Patrícia Oom do; Scott, Noel Channel View Books 2018
16 저널기사 Co-creation with clients of hotel services: the moderating role of top management support 미리보기
Santos-Vijande, María Leticia; López-Sánchez, José Ángel; Pascual-Fernández, Primitiva Channel View Books 2018
17 저널기사 Co-evolution in tourism: the case of Albergo Diffuso 미리보기
Paniccia, Paola Maria Anna; Leoni, Luna Channel View Books 2019
18 저널기사 Collaborative commerce in tourism: implications for research and industry 미리보기
Sigala, Marianna Channel View Books 2017
19 저널기사 Collaborative marketing for the sustainable development of community-based tourism enterprises: a reconciliation of diverse perspectives 미리보기
Ngo, Tramy; Hales, Rob; Lohmann, Gui Channel View Books 2019
20 저널기사 Community Participation as a mediating factor on residents' attitudes towards sustainable tourism development and their personal environmentally responsible behaviour 미리보기
Cheng, Tien-Ming; Wu, Homer C.; Wang, John Ta-Ming; Wu, Min-Rong Channel View Books 2019
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