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1 저널기사 A Call for Sacrifice 미리보기
Havel, Vaclav Council on Foreign Relations 1994
2 저널기사 A China policy for the Next Administrartion 미리보기
Jerome Alan Cohen Council on Foreign Relations 1977
3 저널기사 A China Policy for the Next Administration 미리보기
Cohen, Jerome Alan Council on Foreign Relations 1976
4 저널기사 A Common Discontent 미리보기
Graubard, Stephen R. Council on Foreign Relations 1993
5 저널기사 A Conversation with Lee Kuan Yew 미리보기
Zakaria, Fareed Council on Foreign Relations 1994
6 저널기사 A Conversation with President Cardoso 미리보기
Hoge, James F.$cJr Council on Foreign Relations 1995
Goldsborough, James O. Council on Foreign Relations 1993
8 저널기사 Cambodia and the International Community 미리보기
Solarz, Stephen J. Council on Foreign Relations 1990
9 저널기사 Cambodia: Sihanouk's Initiative 미리보기
Porter, Gareth Council on Foreign Relations 1988
10 저널기사 Camp David-The Unfinished Business 미리보기
Abba Eban Council on Foreign Relations 1979
11 저널기사 Camp David--The Unfinished Business 미리보기
Eban, Abba Council on Foreign Relations 1978
12 저널기사 Canada 미리보기
Abragam Rotstein;Albert Carneslae;Michael Nacht Council on Foreign Relations 1977
13 저널기사 Canada and Its Economic Discontents 미리보기
Robert M. Dunn Council on Foreign Relations 1974
14 저널기사 Canada and Its Economic Discontents 미리보기
Dunn, Robert M.$cJr Council on Foreign Relations 1973
15 저널기사 Canada Independent 미리보기
Sloan Dickey, John Council on Foreign Relations 1972
16 저널기사 Canada's Continuing Identity Crisis 미리보기
Black, Conrad Council on Foreign Relations 1995
17 저널기사 Canada's Time of Troubles 미리보기
Bruce Hutchison Council on Foreign Relations 1978
18 저널기사 Canada's Time of Troubles 미리보기
Hutchison, Bruce Council on Foreign Relations 1977
19 저널기사 Canada: The New Nationalism 미리보기
Rotstein, Abraham Council on Foreign Relations 1976
20 저널기사 Canada, the United States and the World Economy 미리보기
Drouin, Marie-Josee Council on Foreign Relations 1981
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