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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
81 단행본 Corporate governance:an institutionalist approach 미리보기
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edited by Robert Cobbaut and Jacques Lenoble Kluwer Law International 2003
82 단행본 Corporations and partnerships in Bulgaria 미리보기
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Grigor Grigorov Kluwer Law International ; Sold and distributed in North, Central and South America by Aspen Publishers 2011
83 단행본 Corporations and partnerships in Italy 미리보기
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Federico Pernazza Kluwer Law International ; Sold and distributed in North, Central, and South America by Aspen Publishers 2010
84 단행본 Corporations and partnerships in Romania 미리보기
법학도서관 대출가능 열기
Dargos-Alexandru Sitaru Kluwer Law International ; Sold and distributed in North, Central, and South America by Aspen Publishers 2011
85 저널기사 Costs and benefits of an optional European sales law (CESL) 미리보기
Grundmann, S. Kluwer Law International 2013
86 저널기사 Costs and benefits of an optional European sales law (CESL) 미리보기
Grundmann, S. Kluwer Law International 2013
87 저널기사 Counter-Terrorism and European Human Rights since 9/11: The United Kingdom Experience 미리보기
Bonner, D. Kluwer Law International 2013
88 저널기사 Courts in transition: Administration of justice and how to organize it 미리보기
Meij, A. Kluwer Law International 2013
89 단행본 Criminal enforcement of environmental law in the European Union 미리보기
법학도서관 대출가능 열기
edited by Michael Faure, Gu@nter Heine Kluwer Law International 2005
90 단행본 Criminal law Denmark 미리보기
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Lars Bo Langsted, Peter Garde, Vagn Greve Kluwer Law International ; Sold and distributed in North, Central and South America by Aspen Publishers 2011
91 단행본 Criminal law in Canada 미리보기
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Julian Hermida Kluwer Law International 2012
92 단행본 Criminal law in Hong Kong 미리보기
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Victor Ho Wai-kin Kluwer Law International ; Sold and distributed in North, Central, and South America by Aspen Publishers 2011
93 단행본 Criminal law in Spain 미리보기
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Lorena Bachmaier and Antonio del Moral Garci>a Kluwer Law International Sold and distributed in North, Central and South America by Aspen Publishers 2010
94 저널기사 Crisis in the ILO Supervisory System: Dispute over the Right to Strike 미리보기
Swepston, L. Kluwer Law International 2013
95 저널기사 Critical international political economy: Renewing critique and ontologies 미리보기
Belfrage, C.; Worth, O. Kluwer Law International 2012
96 단행본 Cross border insolvencies in EU, English, and Belgian law 미리보기
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Paul L.C. Torremans Kluwer Law International 2002
97 단행본 Cross-border mergers and acquisitions and the law 미리보기
법학도서관 대출가능 열기
edited by Norbert Horn Kluwer Law International 2001
98 저널기사 CSDP Police Missions: Comparing Bottom-up and Top-down Approaches 미리보기
Moore, A. Kluwer Law International 2014
99 저널기사 Curbing the circumvention of sanctions against Iran over its nuclear programme: Afrasiabi 미리보기
Blockmans, S. Kluwer Law International 2013
100 단행본 Cyber law in Australia 미리보기
법학도서관 대출가능 열기
Eugene Clark ... [et al.] Kluwer Law International 2010
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