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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
1 저널기사 A car for Paris in the 21st century? 미리보기
Teresko, John Penton/IPC 1995
2 저널기사 A cast of `1,000s' 미리보기
Brandt, John Penton/IPC 1996
3 저널기사 A Champion of Lean: When it comes to keeping lean on track at Vermeer, CEO Mary Andringa is its Chief Enabling Officer. She wouldn't have it any other way 미리보기
Jusko, J. Penton/IPC 2012
4 저널기사 A competitor for primary storage 미리보기
Teresko, John Penton/IPC 1995
5 저널기사 A critical juncture 미리보기
Brandt, John R Penton/IPC 1997
6 저널기사 A critical juncture: The IT revolution is moving to a new plateau 미리보기
unknown PENTON IPC 1997
7 저널기사 CAD/CAM planning 미리보기
unknown PENTON IPC 1995
8 저널기사 Cadillac's quest: Find the fountain of youth 미리보기
Moskal, Brian S Penton/IPC 1996
9 저널기사 CAD's becoming universal 미리보기
Miller, William H Penton/IPC 1995
10 저널기사 Ca$h wears the crown 미리보기
Kroll, Karen M Penton/IPC 1996
11 저널기사 Ca$h wears the crown: Still, many companies put too much emphasis on growth, while neglecting cash-flow analysis 미리보기
unknown PENTON IPC 1996
12 저널기사 Calcutta gets `smart' 미리보기
Bottoms, David Penton/IPC 1995
13 저널기사 Call for entries 미리보기
Teresko, John Penton/IPC 1995
14 저널기사 Call for entries 미리보기
Teresko, John Penton/IPC 1995
15 저널기사 Call for entries 미리보기
Teresko, John Penton/IPC 1995
16 저널기사 Calling Beijing? 미리보기
McClenahen, John S Penton/IPC 1995
17 저널기사 Calling Brisbane 미리보기
McClenahen, John S Penton/IPC 1995
18 저널기사 Calling Burma, Beijing, and Vietnam 미리보기
McClenahen, John S Penton/IPC 1996
19 저널기사 Calling London 미리보기
McClenahen, John S Penton/IPC 1995
20 저널기사 Camera speaks for itself 미리보기
Teresko, John Penton/IPC 1995
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 다음 맨뒤
