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2601 저널기사 Cyclic malyl anthocyanins in Dianthus caryophyllus/ 미리보기
Nakayama, Masayoshi Pergamon Press 2000
2602 저널기사 Cyclic Nitrone-Ethene Cycloaddition Reactions 미리보기
Perzanowski, H. P Pergamon Press 1980
2603 저널기사 Cyclic Octapeptides From Stellaria Dichotoma Var. Lanceolata 미리보기
Morita, H Pergamon Press 1997
2604 저널기사 Cyclic Polylactones and their Cyclic Polyorthoester Valence Tautomers: Potential Ionophores/ 미리보기
Mcgeary, Ross P Pergamon Press 2000
2605 저널기사 Cyclic ratchetting and failure of a pearlitic rail steel/ 미리보기
Ringsberg, J W Pergamon Press 2000
2606 저널기사 Cyclic S-N compounds and phosphorus reagents-XV [1]. Synthesis, spectraland X-ray structural characterization of (Ph)(DCA)(R)P=N-S~3N~3 [R=(C~2H~5)~2N-; (n-C~4H~9)~2N-] 미리보기
Gopalakrishnan, J. Rao, M. N. S. Srinivasamurthy, G. Srinivas, J. Pergamon Press 1993
2607 저널기사 Cyclic Stress-Strain Response and Microstructure under Variable Amplitude Loading 미리보기
Christ, H.-J Pergamon Press 1980
2608 저널기사 Cyclic Sulfites and Cyclic Sulfates in Organic Synthesis/ 미리보기
Byun, Hoe-Sup Pergamon Press 2000
2609 저널기사 Cyclic voltammetric analysis of pH-dependent complex formation equilibria in anion coordination chemistry 미리보기
Domenech, A Pergamon Press 1980
2610 저널기사 Cyclic voltammetry and spectroelectrochemistry of osmium phthalocyaninesin aqueous and non-aqueous solvents 미리보기
Sekota, M. Nyokong, T. Pergamon Press 1993
2611 저널기사 Cyclin A and Ki-67 expression as predictors for locoregional recurrence and outcome in laryngeal cancer patients treated with surgery and postoperative radiotherapy/ 미리보기
Saarilahti, K Pergamon Press 2003
2612 저널기사 Cyclisation, aromatisation and expulsion reactions of �carotene during sediment diagenesis 미리보기
Sinninghe Damste, J. S Pergamon Press 1980
2613 저널기사 Cyclisation of Aminyl Radicals Derived from Amino Acids 미리보기
Bowman, W. R Pergamon Press 1980
2614 저널기사 Cyclisation vs acyl migration of �allyl lactone derived anion : synthesis of spiro[4,5]dec-2-ene-1,6-diones 미리보기
Jaivisuthunza, W Pergamon Press 1980
2615 저널기사 Cyclization by Free Radical Addition of Stannyl or Thiyl Radical to 3'-�Ethynyl Uridine. Is the 3'-�Ethynyl Group a Spin Trap in RibonucleotideReductase? 미리보기
Jung, P. M. J Pergamon Press 1980
2616 저널기사 Cyclization in Deiodinative Fluorination 미리보기
Patrick, T. B Pergamon Press 1980
2617 저널기사 Cyclization kinetics of poly(acrylonitrile) 미리보기
Beltz, L. A Pergamon Press 1996
2618 저널기사 Cyclization of 1,2,4-triazenes to 1,2,4-triazoles using oxidizing reagents-NaClO, Ca(ClO)2, Dess-Martin periodinane and Ley's TPAP/NMO/ 미리보기
Paulvannan, K Pergamon Press 2001
2619 저널기사 Cyclization of 1,5-dinitrile systems with hydrogen halides: a search forthe undetected key tautomer 미리보기
Teixido, J Pergamon Press 1980
2620 저널기사 Cyclization of a chiral oxazolidine as a key-step for the synthesis of functionalized piperidines 미리보기
Agami, C Pergamon Press 1980
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