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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
121 저널기사 Cholestatic Presentation of Chronic Hepatitis C: A Clinical and Histological Study with a Review of the Literature/ 미리보기
Kumar, K Shiva Plenum Pub. Corp.] 2001
122 저널기사 Chronic Diarrhea Impairs Intestinal Antioxidant Defense System in Rats at Weaning/ 미리보기
Nieto, Natalia Plenum Pub. Corp.] 2000
123 저널기사 Chronic Ingestion of a Potential Food Contaminant Induces Gastrointestinal Inflammation in Rats/ 미리보기
Anton, Pauline M Plenum Pub. Corp.] 2000
124 저널기사 Chronic Lipid Hydroperoxide Stress Suppresses Mucosal Proliferation in Rat Intestine Potentiation of Ornithine Decarboxylase Activity by Epidermal Growth Factor/ 미리보기
Tsunada, S Plenum Pub. Corp.] 2004
125 저널기사 Circadian Variation of Gastroesophageal Reflux in Children/ 미리보기
Steiner, S. J Plenum Pub. Corp.] 2003
126 저널기사 Clarithromycin Resistance, but Not CYP2C-19 Polymorphism, Has a Major Impact on Treatment Success in 7-Day Treatment Regimen for Cure of H. pylori Infection: A Multiple Logistic Regression Analysis/ 미리보기
Miwa, Hiroto Plenum Pub. Corp.] 2001
127 저널기사 Clinical and Subclinical Autoimmune Thyroid Disease in Adult Celiac Disease/ 미리보기
Hakanen, Mervi Plenum Pub. Corp.] 2001
128 저널기사 Clinical Significance of Oral Urease in Diagnosis of Helicobacter pylori Infection by (13C)Urea Breath Test/ 미리보기
Peng, Nan-Jing Plenum Pub. Corp.] 2001
129 저널기사 Clinical Significance of Patent Paraumbilical Vein in Patients with Liver Cirrhosis/ 미리보기
Gupta, Dhiraj Plenum Pub. Corp.] 2000
130 저널기사 Clinical Symptoms in Endoscopic Reflux Esophagitis Evaluation in 8031 Adult Subjects/ 미리보기
Okamoto, K Plenum Pub. Corp.] 2004
131 저널기사 Coagulation Protein Function: Enhancement of the Anticoagulant Effect of Acetaldehyde by Sulfated Glycosaminoglycans/ 미리보기
Brecher, Arthur S Plenum Pub. Corp.] 2001
132 저널기사 Coexpression of IGF-1R and c-Src Proteins in Human Pancreatic Ductal Adenocarcinoma/ 미리보기
Hakam, A Plenum Pub. Corp.] 2003
133 저널기사 Coexpression of Matrilysin and Laminin-5 g2 Chain May Contribute to Tumor Cell Migration in Colorectal Carcinomas/ 미리보기
Masaki, T Plenum Pub. Corp.] 2003
134 저널기사 Coincidental Malabsorption of Lactose, Fructose, and Sorbitol Ingested at Low Doses Is Not Common in Normal Adults/ 미리보기
Ladas, Spiros D Plenum Pub. Corp.] 2001
135 저널기사 Colonic Hydrogen Elimination and Methane Production in Infants with and Without Infantile Colic Syndrome/ 미리보기
Belson, A Plenum Pub. Corp.] 2003
136 저널기사 Combination Analysis of Genetic Alterations and Cell Proliferation in Small Intestinal Carcinomas/ 미리보기
Muneyuki, Tsuyoshi Plenum Pub. Corp.] 2000
137 저널기사 Combination Therapy of Active HBsAg Vaccination and Interferon-a in Interferon-a Nonresponders with Chronic Hepatitis B/ 미리보기
Heintges, Tobias Plenum Pub. Corp.] 2001
138 저널기사 Combined Therapy with Interferon and Ribavirin in Chronic Hepatitis C Does Not Affect Serum Quasispecies Diversity/ 미리보기
Sookoian, Silvia Plenum Pub. Corp.] 2001
139 저널기사 Comparative Analysis of Colonization of Helicobacter pylori and Glycolipids Receptor Density in Mongolian Gerbils and Mice/ 미리보기
Osawa, Hiroyuki Plenum Pub. Corp.] 2001
140 저널기사 Comparative Effects of Different Doses of Ribavirin Plus Interferon-a2b for Therapy of Chronic Hepatitis C: Results of a Controlled, Randomized Trial/ 미리보기
Bonkovsky, Herbert L Plenum Pub. Corp.] 2001
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