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381 저널기사 Cleavage of chitinous elicitors from the ectomycorrhizal fungus Hebelomacrustuliniforme by host chitinases prevents induction of K^+ and Cl^- release, extracellular alkalinization and H~2O~2 synthesis of Picea abies cells 미리보기
Salzer, P Springer-Verlag 1980
382 저널기사 Cl fine-structure emission from non-equilibrium PDRs 미리보기
Stoerzer, H Springer-Verlag 1997
383 저널기사 Climate control in vacuum dryers for convective heat transfer Part 2: Actual climates in industrial kilns and suggestions to improve kiln design/ 미리보기
Kallander, B. A Springer-Verlag 2003
384 저널기사 Climate Convention Implementation: An Opportunity for the Pacific IslandNations to Move Toward Sustainable Energy Systems 미리보기
Yu, X Springer-Verlag] 1997
385 저널기사 Clinical and cellular markers of diabetic nephropathy/ 미리보기
Batlle, D Springer-Verlag 2003
386 저널기사 Clinical and electrophysiological findings in autosomal dominant vitreoretinochoroidopathy: report of a new pedigree/ 미리보기
Lafaut, B A Springer-Verlag 2001
387 저널기사 Clinical aspects of pectus deformities/ 미리보기
Hoeffel, J-C Springer-Verlag 2001
388 저널기사 Clinical comparison of two intraocular pressure measurement methods: SmartLens dynamic observing tonography versus Goldmann/ 미리보기
Troost, Raphael Springer-Verlag 2001
389 저널기사 Clinical course of peritonitis due to Pseudomonas species complicating peritoneal dialysis: A review of 104 cases/ 미리보기
Szeto, Cheuk-Chun Springer-Verlag 2001
390 저널기사 Clinical electrophysiology of two rod pathways: normative values and clinical application/ 미리보기
Scholl, H P N Springer-Verlag 2001
391 저널기사 Clinical evaluation of a new intracranial pressure monitoring device/ 미리보기
Stendel, R Springer-Verlag 2003
392 저널기사 Clinical evaluation of stereotactic brain biopsies with an MKM-mounted instrument holder/ 미리보기
Willems, P. W. A Springer-Verlag 2003
393 저널기사 Clinical Features and Medical Treatment of Male Prolactinomas/ 미리보기
Asano, S Springer-Verlag 2001
394 저널기사 CLINICAL NEPHROLOGY-EPIDEMIOLOGY-CLINICAL TRIALS - Acid and mineral balances and bone in familial proximal renal tubular acidosis/ 미리보기
Lemann Jr, Jacob Springer-Verlag 2000
395 저널기사 CLINICAL NEPHROLOGY-EPIDEMIOLOGY-CLINICAL TRIALS - Acid and mineral balances and bone in familial proximal renal tubular acidosis/ 미리보기
Lemann Jr, Jacob Springer-Verlag 2000
396 저널기사 CLINICAL NEPHROLOGY-EPIDEMIOLOGY-CLINICAL TRIALS - Cohort study of the treatment of severe HIV-associated nephropathy with corticosteroids/ 미리보기
Eustace, Joseph A Springer-Verlag 2000
397 저널기사 CLINICAL NEPHROLOGY-EPIDEMIOLOGY-CLINICAL TRIALS - Cohort study of the treatment of severe HIV-associated nephropathy with corticosteroids/ 미리보기
Eustace, Joseph A Springer-Verlag 2000
398 저널기사 CLINICAL NEPHROLOGY-EPIDEMIOLOGY-CLINICAL TRIALS - Effects of current smoking and smoking discontinuation on renal function and proteinuria in the general population/ 미리보기
Halimi, Jean-Michel Springer-Verlag 2000
399 저널기사 CLINICAL NEPHROLOGY-EPIDEMIOLOGY-CLINICAL TRIALS - Effects of current smoking and smoking discontinuation on renal function and proteinuria in the general population/ 미리보기
Halimi, Jean-Michel Springer-Verlag 2000
400 저널기사 CLINICAL NEPHROLOGY-EPIDEMIOLOGY-CLINICAL TRIALS - Evolution of incipient nephropathy in type 2 diabetes mellitus/ 미리보기
Lemley, Kevin V Springer-Verlag 2000
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