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1 저널기사 A Clear and Coherent Package of Reforms? The Scottish Government Consultation Paper on the Carloway Report 미리보기
Ferguson, P.R.; Raitt, F.E. Sweet & Maxwell 2012
2 저널기사 A Contemporary Concept of Monetary Sovereignty, by Claus. D. Zimmermann 미리보기
Ahtik, M. Sweet & Maxwell 2014
3 저널기사 A Copyright Exception for Private Copying in the United Kingdom 미리보기
Karapapa, S. Sweet & Maxwell 2013
4 저널기사 A Copyright Holder whose Rights have been Infringed may Claim Punitive Damages against the Perpetrator beyond the Actual Damage Incurred owing to the Infringement: Commentary on Polish Supreme Court judgment of March 8, 2012 (V CSK 102/11) 미리보기
Kolczynski, J.P.; Antas, P.D. Sweet & Maxwell 2013
5 저널기사 A Critical Evaluation of the Revised and Enlarged European Stability and Growth Pact 미리보기
Seyad, S.M. Sweet & Maxwell 2012
6 저널기사 A Critique of Corporate Attribution: ``Directing Mind and Will'' and Corporate Objectives 미리보기
Lim, E. Sweet & Maxwell 2013
7 저널기사 A Critique Of LIBOR/SHIBOR 미리보기
Nwogugu, M. Sweet & Maxwell 2014
8 저널기사 Calling on Experts: Industry's Perspective on the Regulatory Response to the BP Blowout 미리보기
Hall, L. Sweet & Maxwell 2012
9 저널기사 Canada 미리보기
Taylor, M.; Davis, S. Sweet & Maxwell 2012
10 저널기사 Canada 미리보기
Timmins, T.J.; Smith, B.; Waldman, D.; Macdonnell, L.; Martinez, M.; Munoz, M. Sweet & Maxwell 2012
11 저널기사 Canada 미리보기
Harricks, P.; Conway, S. Sweet & Maxwell 2012
12 저널기사 Canada 미리보기
Sherrard, M.; Timmins, T.J. Sweet & Maxwell 2013
13 저널기사 Canada 미리보기
Timmins, T.J.; Enquist, L.T. Sweet & Maxwell 2013
14 저널기사 Canada 미리보기
Timmins, T.J.; Wagner, W.J.; Sahadev, N.; Blumer, L. Sweet & Maxwell 2013
15 저널기사 Canada 미리보기
Amadee, A.; Sherrard, M. Sweet & Maxwell 2013
16 저널기사 Canadian Financial Institutions and ESOs Valuation 미리보기
Pantos, T.D. Sweet & Maxwell 2013
17 저널기사 Cancellation Rights in Distance-selling Contracts for Services: Exemptions and Consumer Protection 미리보기
Hall, E. SWEET & MAXWELL 2007
18 저널기사 CAPITAL ADEQUACY Capital disclosure requirements 미리보기
unknown Sweet & Maxwell 2013
19 저널기사 CAPITAL ADEQUACY Exposures to central counterparties 미리보기
unknown Sweet & Maxwell 2013
20 저널기사 Capital Gains Tax Relief on the Disposal of Business Assets: A Clear Strategy for Encouraging Entrepreneurs? 미리보기
Lee, N.; Seal, R. Sweet & Maxwell 2013
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 다음 맨뒤
