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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
1 저널기사 Can Shu Be the One Word that Serves as the Guiding Principle of Caring Actions? - It is argued that shu involves one's identification with another person while one criticizes the latter's perspective based on one's own. A mechanism is proposed for developing this sort of critique, based on some significant Confucian values. Finally, shu is applied to the context of caring actions, and it is shown how it can help to solve some of the problems arising in caring for others./ 미리보기
Chan, Sin Yee University Press of Hawaii] 1900
2 저널기사 Classical Indian Philosophy, by J. N. Mohanty/ 미리보기
Srinivasan, V University Press of Hawaii] 2003
3 저널기사 Colors of the Soul: By-Products of Activity or Passions? - Several religious traditions of South Asia understand that mental activities produce colors (lesyas) that are associated with the mind or with the soul itself. In Jain texts, there are three theories about how lesyas are produced: That lesyas are a product (parinama) (1) of the passions (kasayas), (2) of vibrations of the soul (yoga), and (3) of all eight varieties of karmas. The views of various Svetambara and Digambara commentators regarding lesyas are compared/ 미리보기
Wiley, Kristi L University Press of Hawaii] 1900
4 저널기사 COMMENT AND DISCUSSION - Is There Such a Thing as Chinese Philosophy? Arguments of an Implicit Debate - The question of whether or not there is such a thing as "Chinese philosophy" is seldom explicitly raised, but the implicit answers to this question -- Although different in China and the West -- Dominate institutional and academic decisions. This article not only constructs a typology to recognize, differentiate, and evaluate various answers to this question, but it also takes the sensitivity of this matter seriously by comparing it with one's attachment to something as sensitive, arbitrary, and meaningless as a family name./ 미리보기
Defoort, Carine University Press of Hawaii] 2001
5 저널기사 Contemporary consciousness studies, where it is not explicitly religious, is mostly physicalist. Theories of self and consciousness in classical Hindu thought can easily be seen to contribute to religious issues in consciousness studies. But it is also the case that there is much in that that can be useful within broadly physicalist parameters of study as well. The Mimamsa and Nyaya schools, while having (nonphysicalist) soteriological goals for the metaphysical self, nonetheless provide theories of its relationship with consciousness that allow for interpretative strategies that can make their theories relevant to a broadly physicalist study of consciousness. Advaita Vedanta cannot be so interpreted, but its inquiry into the nature of consciousness can provide material for a fundamental critique of the project of objectifying consciousness./ 미리보기
Ram-Prasad, C University Press of Hawaii] 2001
6 저널기사 Contingency and the "Time of the Dream": Kuki Shuzo and French Prewar Philosophy - There are many links between Kuki Shuzo and the French philosophy of the 1920s that treated the phenomenon of contingency. Examined are (1) the problem of time as it presented itself to French philosophers at the beginning of the twentieth century and its reception by Kuki as an Oriental philosopher and a Buddhist; (2) the problem of liberty and of existence in these French philosophers and in Buddhism; and (3) the phenomenon of the dream as a psychic and aesthetic phenomenon for Kuki and for the French philosophers in question./ 미리보기
Botz-Bornstein, Thorsten University Press of Hawaii] 1900
7 저널기사 Could There Be Mystical Evidence for a Nondual Brahman? A Causal Objection/ 미리보기
Phillips, Stephen H University Press of Hawaii] 2001
8 저널기사 Current formal mathematics, being divorced from the empirical, is entirely a social construct, so that mathematical theorems are no more secure than the cultural belief in two-valued logic, incorrectly regarded as universal. Computer technology, by enhancing the ability to calculate, has put pressure on this social construct, since proof-oriented formal mathematics is awkward for computation, while computational mathematics is regarded as epistemologically insecure. Historically, a similar epistemological fissure between computational/practical Indian mathematics and formal/spiritual Western mathematics persisted for centuries, during a dialogue of civilizations, when texts on "algorismus" and "infinitesimal" calculus were imported into Europe, enhancing the ability to calculate. It is argued here that this epistemological tension should be resolved by accepting mathematics 미리보기
Raju, C K University Press of Hawaii] 2001
9 저널기사 Custom and Human Nature in Early China/ 미리보기
Lewis, M. E University Press of Hawaii] 2003
