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281 저널기사 Ceramide channels increase the permeability of the mitochondrial outer membrane to small proteins 미리보기
Siskind, L. J.; Kolesnick, R. N.; Colombini, M. WAVERLY PRESS INC 2002
282 저널기사 Ceramide generation in situ alters leukocyte cytoskeletal organization and beta~2-integrin function and causes complete degranulation 미리보기
Feldhaus, M. J.; Weyrich, A. S.; Zimmerman, G. A.; McIntyre, T. M. WAVERLY PRESS INC 2002
283 저널기사 Ceramide-induced and Age-associated Increase in Macrophage COX-2 Expression Is Mediated through Up-regulation of NF-kappaB Activity 미리보기
Wu, D.; Marko, M.; Claycombe, K.; Paulson, K. E.; Meydani, S. N. WAVERLY PRESS INC 2003
284 저널기사 Ceramide-induced inhibition of Akt is mediated through protein kinase Cζ. Implications for growth arrest 미리보기
Bourbon, N. A.; Sandirasegarane, L.; Kester, M. WAVERLY PRESS INC 2002
285 저널기사 Ceramide kinase, a novel lipid kinase. Molecular cloning and functional characterization 미리보기
Sugiura, M.; Kono, K.; Liu, H.; Shimizugawa, T.; Minekura, H.; Spiegel, S.; Kohama, T. WAVERLY PRESS INC 2002
286 저널기사 Ceramide mediates age-associated increase in macrophage cyclooxygenase-2 expression 미리보기
Claycombe, K. J.; Wu, D.; Nikolova-Karakashian, M.; Palmer, H.; Beharka, A.; Paulson, K. E.; Meydani, S. N. WAVERLY PRESS INC 2002
287 저널기사 Ceramide Signaling in Fenretinide-induced Endothelial Cell Apoptosis 미리보기
Erdreich-Epstein, A.; Tran, L. B.; Bowman, N. N.; Wang, H.; Cabot, M. C.; Durden, D. L.; Vlckova, J.; Reynolds, C. P.; Stins, M. F.; Groshen, S. WAVERLY PRESS INC 2002
288 저널기사 Ceramide Stabilizes beta-Site Amyloid Precursor Protein-cleaving Enzyme 1 and Promotes Amyloid beta-Peptide Biogenesis 미리보기
Puglielli, L.; Ellis, B. C.; Saunders, A. J.; Kovacs, D. M. WAVERLY PRESS INC 2003
289 저널기사 Cercarial elastase is encoded by a functionally conserved gene family across multiple species of schistosomes 미리보기
Salter, J. P.; Choe, Y.; Albrecht, H.; Franklin, C.; Lim, K.-C.; Craik, C. S.; McKerrow, J. H. WAVERLY PRESS INC 2002
290 저널기사 Cessation of Growth to Prevent Cell Death Due to Inhibition of Phosphatidylcholine Synthesis Is Impaired at 37^oC in Saccharomyces cerevisiae 미리보기
Howe, A. G.; Zaremberg, V.; McMaster, C. R. WAVERLY PRESS INC 2002
291 저널기사 C~g~a~m~m~aH~2 of Met^1^7^4 Side Chain Is the Site of Covalent Attachment of a Substance P Analog Photoactivable in Position 5 미리보기
Sachon, E.; Bolbach, G.; Chassaing, G.; Lavielle, S.; Sagan, S. WAVERLY PRESS INC 2002
292 저널기사 cGMP-dependent protein kinase Ibeta physically and functionally interacts with the transcriptional regulator TFII-I 미리보기
Casteel, D. E.; Zhuang, S.; Gudi, T.; Tang, J.; Vuica, M.; Desiderio, S.; Pilz, R. B. WAVERLY PRESS INC 2002
293 저널기사 cGMP-dependent Protein Kinase Inhibits Serum-response Element-dependent Transcription by Inhibiting Rho Activation and Functions 미리보기
Gudi, T.; Chen, J. C.; Casteel, D. E.; Seasholtz, T. M.; Boss, G. R.; Pilz, R. B. WAVERLY PRESS INC 2002
294 저널기사 Chain elongation of raffinose in pea seeds. Isolation, characterization, and molecular cloning of a multifunctional enzyme catalyzing the synthesis of stachyose and verbascose 미리보기
Peterbauer, T.; Mucha, J.; Mach, L.; Richter, A. WAVERLY PRESS INC 2002
295 저널기사 Change of Conformation of the DNA-binding Domain of p53 Is the Only Key Element for Binding of and Interference with p73 미리보기
Bensaad, K.; Le Bras, M.; Unsal, K.; Strano, S.; Blandino, G.; Tominaga, O.; Rouillard, D.; Soussi, T. WAVERLY PRESS INC 2003
296 저널기사 Changes in Conserved Region 3 of Escherichia coli sigma^7^0 Reduce Abortive Transcription and Enhance Promoter Escape 미리보기
Cashel, M.; Hsu, L. M.; Hernandez, V. J. WAVERLY PRESS INC 2003
297 저널기사 Changes in glucose transport and water permeability resulting from the T310I pathogenic mutation in Glut1 are consistent with two transport channels per monomer 미리보기
Iserovich, P.; Wang, D.; Ma, L.; Yang, H.; Zuniga, F. A.; Pascual, J. M.; Kuang, K.; De Vivo, D. C.; Fischbarg, J. WAVERLY PRESS INC 2002
298 저널기사 Changes in mobility account for camptothecin-induced subnuclear relocation of topoisomerase I 미리보기
Christensen, M. O.; Barthelmes, H. U.; Feineis, S.; Knudsen, B. R.; Andersen, A. H.; Boege, F.; Mielke, C. WAVERLY PRESS INC 2002
299 저널기사 Changes in Oligomerization Are Essential for the Chaperone Activity of a Small Heat Shock Protein in Vivo and in Vitro 미리보기
Giese, K. C.; Vierling, E. WAVERLY PRESS INC 2002
300 저널기사 Changes in phospholipid extractability and composition accompany mineralization of chicken growth plate cartilage matrix vesicles 미리보기
Wu, L. N. Y.; Genge, B. R.; Kang, M. W.; Arsenault, A. L.; Wuthier, R. E. WAVERLY PRESS INC 2002
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