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321 저널기사 A case of congenital midline cervical cleft with congenital heart disease/ 미리보기
Hirokawa, S Grune and Stratton 2003
322 저널기사 A case of constitutional apples and oranges: a functional comparison of pension priority and benefit guarantees in U.S., U.K. and Canadian insolvency and pension law regimes 미리보기
Davis, R. B. John Wiley & Sons, Ltd 2009
323 저널기사 A Case of Cortical Vein Thrombosis With the Cord Sign/ 미리보기
Ahn, T.-B American Medical Association] 2003
324 저널기사 A case of data warehousing project management 미리보기
325 저널기사 A Case of Dementia Parkinsonism Resembling Progressive Supranuclear Palsy Due to Mutation in the Tau Protein Gene/ 미리보기
Soliveri, P American Medical Association] 2003
326 저널기사 A Case of Difficult Airway Due to Lingual Tonsillar Hypertrophy in a Patient with Down's Syndrome/ 미리보기
Nakazawa, K International Anesthesia Research Society] 2003
327 저널기사 A Case of Disseminated Eosinophilic Granuloma of Bone Treated with Vinblastine Sulfate / 미리보기
Saotome, Koichi Dokkyo University School of Medicine 1987
328 저널기사 A Case of DO-Support in Romance/ 미리보기
Beninca, P D. Reidel Publishing Co 2004
329 저널기사 A case of down syndrome with acute lymphoblastic leukemia and isochromosome Xp/ 미리보기
Baker, J. M Elsevier Science Pub. Co. [etc.] 2003
330 저널기사 A case of Ehrlichia equi in an adult horse in British Columbia 미리보기
Berrington, A Canadian Veterinary Medical Association 1980
331 저널기사 A case of encircling penile condylomata acuminata after renal transplantation/ 미리보기
Lee, S Expediting Inc 2003
332 저널기사 A Case of Epithelioid Sarcoma Treated with a Marginal Excision and OK-432 / 미리보기
Saotome, Koichi Dokkyo University School of Medicine 1987
333 저널기사 A case of equine cholangiocarcinoma displaying aberrant expression of p53 protein 미리보기
Sironi, G The Association 1997
334 저널기사 A case of erythema elevatum diutinum associated with antiphospholipid antibodies 미리보기
Lisi, S C. V. Mosby] 2003
335 저널기사 A case of extensive block with the combined spinal-epidural technique during labour/ 미리보기
Shaw, I C Published for the Association of Anaesthetists of Great Britain and Ireland by Academic Press [and] 2001
336 저널기사 A case of extragenital lichen sclerosus following Blaschko's lines/ 미리보기
Choi, Sung Woo C. V. Mosby] 2000
337 저널기사 A case of extraskeletal osteosarcoma with metastasis to the skin/ 미리보기
Covello, S. P C. V. Mosby] 2003
338 저널기사 A case of familial clustering of interstitial cystitis and chronic pelvic pain syndrome/ 미리보기
Dimitrakov, Jordan D Excerpta Medica, etc.] 2001
339 저널기사 A Case of Fatal West Nile Virus Meningoencephalitis Associated With Receipt of Blood Transfusions After Open Heart Surgery/ 미리보기
Armstrong, W. S Little, Brown & Co., etc.] 2003
340 저널기사 A Case of Generalized Pustular Psoriasis Treated With Topical Tacrolimus/ 미리보기
Ishiko, A American Medical Association 2003
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