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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
1 저널기사 Effects of Job Incumbents' Race and Sex on Evaluation of Managerial Performance 미리보기
Hall, Francis S.;Hall, Douglas T. ACADEMY OF MANAGEMENT 1976
2 저널기사 Effects of Varying Goal Types and Incentive Systems on Performance and Satisfaction 미리보기
London, Manuel;Oldham, Greg R ACADEMY OF MANAGEMENT 1976
3 저널기사 Employee Reactions to Leader Reward Behavior 미리보기
Keller, Robert T.;Szilagyi, Andrew D. ACADEMY OF MANAGEMENT 1976
4 저널기사 Expectancy Theory as a Predictor of Female Occupational Choice and Attitude Toward Business 미리보기
Bartol, Kathryn M. ACADEMY OF MANAGEMENT 1976
5 저널기사 The Effectiveness of the Relationship Between User Groups and Data Processing Centers 미리보기
Doll, William J.;Ebrahim, Abdullah;Mansour, Ali ACADEMY OF MANAGEMENT 1976
6 저널기사 The Effects of Contingency and Participative Decision Making on Intrinsically and Extrinsically Motivating Tasks 미리보기
Tutnage, Janet J.;Muchinsky, Paul M. ACADEMY OF MANAGEMENT 1976
7 저널기사 The Effects of Individual-Role Compatibility Upon Group Performance 미리보기
Liddell, William W.;Slocum, Jr., John W. ACADEMY OF MANAGEMENT 1976
8 저널기사 The Emergence and Allocation of Leadership Resources Over Time in a Technical Organization 미리보기
Rosen, Ned;Billings, Robert;Turney, John ACADEMY OF MANAGEMENT 1976
