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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
1 저널기사 Economic and Cultural Impediments to University Education in Spain 미리보기
Gonzalez, B. PERGAMON 1998
2 저널기사 Economic Significance of Cruise Tourism 미리보기
Dwyer, L. PERGAMON 1998
3 저널기사 Ecotourism in Canada 미리보기
Fennell, D. A. PERGAMON 1998
4 저널기사 Ecotourism Trends 미리보기
Lew, A. PERGAMON 1998
5 저널기사 Ecotourism versus Tourism in a Thai National Park 미리보기
Hvenegaard, G. T. PERGAMON 1998
6 저널기사 Educational Attaimnents and Household Characteristics in Tanzania 미리보기
Al-Samarrai, S. PERGAMON 1998
7 저널기사 Education and Growth in East Asia 미리보기
McMahon, W. W. PERGAMON 1998
8 저널기사 Education's Role in Explaining Diabetic Health Investment Differentials 미리보기
Kahn, M. E. PERGAMON 1998
9 저널기사 Efficiency audit: an assembly of rationalities and programmes 미리보기
Radcliffe, V. S. PERGAMON 1998
10 저널기사 Efficiency Differences of Finnish Senior Secondary Schools: An Application of DEA and Tobit Analysis 미리보기
Kirjavainen, T. PERGAMON 1998
11 저널기사 Encountering economics and accounting: some skirmishes and engagements 미리보기
Thompson, G. F. PERGAMON 1998
12 저널기사 Estimating cost effectiveness of residential yard trees for improving air quality in Sacramento, California, using existing models 미리보기
McPherson, E. G Pergamon 1998
13 저널기사 Estimating Returns to Schooling: When Does the Career Begin? 미리보기
Light, A. PERGAMON 1998
14 저널기사 Estimating the ozone-forming potential of urban trees and shrubs 미리보기
Benjamin, M. T Pergamon 1998
15 저널기사 Ethnic Politics and Tourism: A British Case Study 미리보기
Callahan, R. PERGAMON 1998
16 저널기사 Evaluating the Governance Style of Marketing Groups 미리보기
Palmer, A. PERGAMON 1998
17 저널기사 Evaluation of ozone depletion potentials for chlorobromomethane (CH~2ClBr) and 1-bromo-propane (CH~2BrCH~2CH~3) 미리보기
Wuebbles, D. J Pergamon 1998
18 저널기사 Event Management and Event Tourism 미리보기
Bohlin, M. PERGAMON 1998
19 저널기사 Expanding the Functional Information Search Model 미리보기
Vogt, C. A. PERGAMON 1998
20 저널기사 The Economic Organization of Tourism 미리보기
Tremblay, P. PERGAMON 1998
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