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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
1 저널기사 Efficient Monte Carlo and Quasi-Monte Carlo Option Pricing Under the Variance Gamma Model 미리보기
Avramidis; L Ecuyer Institute of Management Sciences] 2006
2 저널기사 Enhancing a Branch-and-Bound Algorithm for Two-Stage Stochastic Integer Network Design-Based Models 미리보기
Andrade, R.; Lisser, A.; Maculan, N.; Plateau, G. Institute of Management Sciences] 2006
3 저널기사 Entrepreneurial Risk and Market Entry 미리보기
Wu, B.; Knott, A. M. Institute of Management Sciences] 2006
4 저널기사 Entry Strategies Under Competing Standards: Hybrid Business Models in the Open Source Software Industry 미리보기
Bonaccorsi, A.; Giannangeli, S.; Rossi, C. Institute of Management Sciences] 2006
5 저널기사 Environmental Volatility, Development Decisions, and Software Volatility: A Longitudinal Analysis 미리보기
Barry, E. J.; Kemerer, C. F.; Slaughter, S. A. Institute of Management Sciences] 2006
6 저널기사 E-sourcing in Procurement: Theory and Behavior in Reverse Auctions with Noncompetitive Contracts 미리보기
Engelbrecht-Wiggans, R.; Katok, E. Institute of Management Sciences] 2006
7 저널기사 Exact Solutions to Task Allocation Problems 미리보기
Ernst, A.; Jiang, H.; Krishnamoorthy, M. Institute of Management Sciences] 2006
8 저널기사 Exploring Decision Makers' Use of Price Information in a Speculative Market 미리보기
Johnson, J. E. V.; Jones, O.; Tang, L. Institute of Management Sciences] 2006
9 저널기사 Exploring the Structure of Complex Software Designs: An Empirical Study of Open Source and Proprietary Code 미리보기
MacCormack, A.; Rusnak, J.; Baldwin, C. Y. Institute of Management Sciences] 2006
10 저널기사 The Effectiveness of Simple Decision Heuristics: Forecasting Commercial Success for Early-Stage Ventures 미리보기
Astebro, T.; Elhedhli, S. Institute of Management Sciences] 2006
11 저널기사 The Effect of Service Experiences over Time on a Supplier's Retention of Business Customers 미리보기
Bolton; Lemon; Bramlett Institute of Management Sciences] 2006
12 저널기사 The Effects of New Franchisor Partnering Strategies on Franchise System Size 미리보기
Shane, S.; Shankar, V.; Aravindakshan, A. Institute of Management Sciences] 2006
