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21 저널기사 Effect of Grafted PP on the Properties of Thermoplastic Elastomers Based on PP-EPDM Blends/ 미리보기
L�ez-Manchado, M A Huthig & Wepf 2001
22 저널기사 Effect of Light on the Activity of Metallocene Catalysts in the Gas-Phase Polymerisation of Ethylene Macromol. Rapid Commun. 2001, 22,/ 미리보기
Kallio, K Huthig & Wepf 2001
23 저널기사 Effect of Mechanical Confinement on an Immiscible Polymer-Polymer Interface/ 미리보기
Butler, S A Huthig & Wepf 2001
24 저널기사 Effect of Phenols on the Free-Radical Photopolymerization of Vinyl Monomers in Aqueous Solution/ 미리보기
Valdebenito, A Huthig & Wepf 2001
25 저널기사 Effect of Short Glass Fiber on Structure and Mechanical Behavior of an Ethylene-1-Octene Copolymer/ 미리보기
Cerrada, M L Huthig & Wepf 2001
26 저널기사 Effect of Side Chain Alkyl Length on the Electroluminescence Characteristics of Carbazole-Based Light Emitting Polymers/ 미리보기
Chao, C-S Huthig & Wepf 2001
27 저널기사 Effect of styrene on the polymerization of acrylamide in inverse microemulsion 미리보기
Barton, J Huthig & Wepf 1980
28 저널기사 Effect of Surface Roughness on Structure and Dynamics in Thin Films/ 미리보기
Doruker, P Huthig & Wepf 2001
29 저널기사 Effect of tacticity on enzymatic degradability of poly(�hydroxybutyrate) 미리보기
Timmins, M. R Huthig & Wepf 1980
30 저널기사 Effect of tetramethylammonium hydroxide on cotton cellulose compared to sodium hydroxide/ 미리보기
Tanczos, I Huthig & Wepf 2000
31 저널기사 Effect of Thermal History on the Time Evolution of the Structure of Thermotropic Liquid Crystalline Polyesters Containing a Halogen-Substituted Hydroquinone Ring/ 미리보기
Hu, X Huthig & Wepf 2001
32 저널기사 Effect of Zwitterion Substitution on the Structure and Dynamics of Asymmetrically Substituted Polystyrene-block-polyisoprene Diblock and Triblock Copolymers/ 미리보기
Floudas, G Huthig & Wepf 2001
33 저널기사 Effects of A-B Block Copolymer Additives on Interfacial Tension of A/B Polymer Blends Near the Critical Temperature: Comparison of Mean-field Calculations with Experiments/ 미리보기
Nose, T Huthig & Wepf 2001
34 저널기사 Effects of Hydrophobic Modification and Electrostatic Interactions on the Association Behavior in Aqueous Solutions of Poly(vinyl alcohol). A Pulsed Field Gradient NMR Study/ 미리보기
Andersen, P O Huthig & Wepf 2001
35 저널기사 Effects of Internal and External Donors on the Regio- and Stereoselectivity of Active Species in MgCl2-Supported Catalysts for Propene Polymerization/ 미리보기
Chadwick, J C Huthig & Wepf 2001
36 저널기사 Effects of Phenolic Substitution on the Photooxidative Degradation of Polybenzoxazines/ 미리보기
Macko, J A Huthig & Wepf 2001
37 저널기사 Effects of pH on the supramolecular structure of polymeric molecular deposition films 미리보기
Zhang, X Huthig & Wepf 1980
38 저널기사 Effects of poloxamer on the gelation of silk sericin/ 미리보기
Kweon, H Y Huthig & Wepf 2000
39 저널기사 Effects of Pressure and Molecular Weight on the Miscibility of Polystyrene and Cyclohexane/ 미리보기
Sun, Z Huthig & Wepf 2001
40 저널기사 Effects of solvent treatment on cold crystallization behavior and morphology of poly(ether ether ketone) 미리보기
Woo, E. M Huthig & Wepf 1980
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