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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
1 저널기사 Early design and simulation toolkit for mobile robot platforms 미리보기
Sell, R.; Petritsenko, A. Inderscience Enterprises 2013
2 저널기사 Early growth states of small businesses in China: the business model perspective 미리보기
Zhang, Michael Jijin; Chen, Honghua Inderscience Enterprises 2018
3 저널기사 Earnings informativeness after financial statement restatements 미리보기
Eng, L.L.; Rao, R.P.; Saudagaran, S. INDERSCIENCE ENTERPRISES 2012
4 저널기사 Earnings management and corporate governance: the Ghanaian experience 미리보기
Agyekum, A.A.B.; Aboagye-Otchere, F.; Bedi, I. Inderscience Enterprises 2014
5 저널기사 `Eating your own dog food': applying course concepts in your teaching 미리보기
Bregman, R.L. Inderscience Enterprises 2012
6 저널기사 E-commerce - digital divide and digital native generation protection 미리보기
Sebastio, A. Inderscience Enterprises 2012
7 저널기사 E-commerce information systems (ECIS) in a relational service context 미리보기
Bellaaj, M.; Zekri, I. Inderscience Enterprises 2012
8 저널기사 Economic analysis of investment projects in renewable energies for a sustainable energy system 미리보기
Fersi, Soukaina; Chtourou, Nouri Inderscience Enterprises 2018
9 저널기사 Educating entrepreneurship: a tool to promote self employability 미리보기
Zaryab, Asma; Saeed, Usman Inderscience Enterprises 2018
10 저널기사 Education as a determining factor in ICT adoption: a case study of ICT SMEs 미리보기
Costello, P.; Jackson, M.L.; Moreton, R. Inderscience Enterprises 2013
11 저널기사 Education coupled with international networking: benefits for exporting in Middle East and North Africa 미리보기
Mehrizi, M.M.; Schtt, T. Inderscience Enterprises 2014
12 저널기사 Effective local search approaches for the single-vehicle cyclic inventory routing problem 미리보기
Zhong, Y.; Aghezzaf, E.-H. Inderscience Enterprises 2012
13 저널기사 Effective targeting of national export promotion programmes for SMEs 미리보기
Coudounaris, D.N. Inderscience Enterprises 2012
14 저널기사 Effect of conceptual change text approach on removal of students' misconceptions about heat and temperature 미리보기
Turgut, U.; Gurbuz, F. Inderscience Enterprises 2012
15 저널기사 Effects of collaborative and individual modes of concept maps on plant science: a comparative analysis 미리보기
Jena, A.K. Inderscience Enterprises 2014
16 저널기사 Effects of entrepreneurial orientation on online retail performance 미리보기
Larsen, N.M.; Korneliussen, T. Inderscience Enterprises 2012
17 저널기사 Effects of family functions and structural changes on family business development (social capital evidence) 미리보기
Jamali, R.; Abedin, B. Inderscience Enterprises 2013
18 저널기사 Effects of product platform development: fostering lean product development and production 미리보기
Harland, P.E.; Uddin, Z. Inderscience Enterprises 2014
19 저널기사 Efficiency and scale economies in the Japanese non-life insurance industry 미리보기
Choo, Y.Y. Inderscience Enterprises 2012
20 저널기사 Efficient front-loading through knowledge integration 미리보기
Tuna, S.; Windisch, G. Inderscience Enterprises 2014
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