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641 저널기사 Electron energy and phase relaxation on magnetic impurities 미리보기
Vavilov, M. G. Kaminski, A.; Glazman, L. I. North-Holland 2003
642 저널기사 Electron energy relaxation in silicon quantum dots by acoustic and optical phonon scattering/ 미리보기
D�r, Manfred North-Holland 2000
643 저널기사 Electron exchange on TiO2-SiO2 photocatalysts during O2 and organic molecule adsorption - the role of adsorbate electrophilicity/ 미리보기
Panayotov, D North Holland 2003
644 저널기사 Electron excitation and `cascade' ionization of diatomic molecules with ultra-short pulses of strong IR lasers/ 미리보기
Pegarkov, A I North Holland 2001
645 저널기사 Electron field emission from fluorinated amorphous carbon nanoparticles on porous alumina/ 미리보기
Lai, S. H North Holland 2003
646 저널기사 Electron field emission from soluble carbon nanotube films treated by hydrogen plasma/ 미리보기
Yu, K North Holland 2003
647 저널기사 Electron field emission from soluble carbon nanotube films treated by hydrogen plasma/ 미리보기
Yu, K North Holland 2003
648 저널기사 Electron harpooning in reactions of sodium cluster ions with nitrous oxide 미리보기
Mizuno, T. Kondow, T. Tanaka, H. Nonose, S. North Holland 1996
649 저널기사 Electron-hole asymmetry in magnetic properties of lightly doped high-TC superconductors: A quantum Monte Carlo study/ 미리보기
Yunoki, S North-Holland 2003
650 저널기사 Electron-hole collision cross section in discrete hopping systems 미리보기
Rice, M. J. Conwell, E. M. Gartstein, Y. N. North Holland 1996
651 저널기사 Electron-hole interaction energy in the organic molecular semiconductor PTCDA 미리보기
Sirringhaus, H. Hirose, Y. Wu, C. I. Kahn, A. North Holland 1997
652 저널기사 Electron hydration: interface shells 미리보기
Novakovskaya, Yulia V North Holland 2001
653 저널기사 Electronic absorption and Raman studies of BF^-~4-doped polythiophene based on the spectra of the radical cation and dication of �sexithiophene 미리보기
Yokonuma, N. Tasumi, M. Furukawa, Y. Kuroda, M. North Holland 1996
654 저널기사 Electronic absorption and Raman studies of the radical anion and dianionof a polyene molecule (19,19',20,20'-tetranor-��carotene) 미리보기
Tasumi, M. Kim, J.-Y. Furukawa, Y. North Holland 1997
655 저널기사 Electronically excited states and transport properties of thermal plasmas: the viscosity/ 미리보기
Capitelli, M North Holland 2003
656 저널기사 Electronic and elastic properties of the light actinide tellurides 미리보기
Wachter, P North-Holland 2001
657 저널기사 Electronic and infrared spectra of jet-cooled 4-aminobenzonitrile-H2O. Change of NH2 from proton acceptor to proton donor by CN substitution/ 미리보기
Sakota, Kenji North Holland 2001
658 저널기사 Electronic and magnetic properties of 3d transition-metal-doped GaAs/ 미리보기
Shirai, Masafumi North-Holland 2001
659 저널기사 Electronic and magnetic properties of Li2CuO2 미리보기
Tanaka, Norikazu North-Holland 2000
660 저널기사 Electronic and magnetoresistive properties of MnAs(0001)/GaAs(111) heterostructures/ 미리보기
Narita, Kenji North-Holland 2001
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