2001 |
The effect of polymer additives on extrusion slot coating
Ning, C.-Y
Pergamon Press
2002 |
The effect of pore-space morphology on the performance of anaerobic granular sludge particles containing entrapped gas/
Step�nek, Frantisek
Pergamon Press
2003 |
The Effect of Pre-Hydrolysis of D-Stage Filtrate on the Biotreatability of Chlorinated Organic Compounds in Bleached Kraft Mill Effluents
Zheng, Y
Pergamon Press
2004 |
The effect of preloading on rapid small-scale column test predictions ofatrazine removal by GAC adsorbers
Knappe, D. R. U
Pergamon Press
2005 |
The effect of pressure on the magnetic properties of the molecule-based canted metamagnet decamethylferrocenium 2,3-dicyano-1,4-naphthoquinonide, FeCp*2[DCNQ]/
Hamlin, J. J
Pergamon Press
2006 |
The effect of pressure, temperature, oxygen fugacity and composition on partitioning of nickel and cobalt between liquid Fe-Ni-S alloy and liquid silicate: implications for the earth's core formation/
Li, J
Pergamon Press
2007 |
The Effect of Prestress Losses on the Seismic Response of Prestressed Concrete Frames
Mo, Y. L
Pergamon Press
2008 |
The effect of process nonlinearities on the performance of a periodically operated isothermal catalytic reactor/
Gutsche, R
Pergamon Press
2009 |
The effect of pulsed amperometric detection on penicillin G concentration profiles in a flowing-stream environment
Lehmann, M. W
Pergamon Press
2010 |
The effect of rates of sedimentation and tidal submersion regimes on the growth of salt marsh plants/
Boorman, Laurence A
Pergamon Press
2011 |
The effect of regular and irregular shear lips on fatigue crack growth in A1 2024
Zuidema, J
Pergamon Press
2012 |
The effect of residual ammonia concentration under aerobic conditions on the growth of Microthrix parvicella in biological nutrient removal plants/
Tsai, M. W
Pergamon Press
2013 |
The effect of ring size of fused chelates on the stability constants and spectroscopic properties of nickel(II) and palladium(II) complexes of peptides/
Gabor Agoston, C
Pergamon Press
2014 |
The Effect of Rishitin on Potato Tonoplast Vesicle and Vacuole Proton Transport
Giannini, J. L
Pergamon Press
2015 |
The effect of sesbanimide and Sesbania seed extracts on germination and seedling growth of a number of plant species
Van Staden, J
Pergamon Press
2016 |
The effect of setup uncertainty on normal tissue sparing with IMRT for head-and-neck cancer/
Manning, Matthew A
Pergamon Press
2017 |
The effect of shock loads on the performance of an anaerobic baffled reactor (ABR). 1. Step changes in feed concentration at constant retention time
Nachaiyasit, S
Pergamon Press
2018 |
The effect of shock loads on the performance of an anaerobic baffled reactor (ABR). 2. Step and transient hydraulic shocks at constant feed strength
Nachaiyasit, S
Pergamon Press
2019 |
The effect of silica template structure on the pore structure of mesoporous carbons/
Han, S
Pergamon Press
2020 |
The effect of sodium dodecyl sulphate on polyphenol oxidase
Jimenez, M
Pergamon Press