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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
2061 저널기사 The effects of pH, ionic strength, and iron-fulvic acid interactions on the kinetics of non-photochemical iron transformations. I. Iron(II) oxidation and iron(III) colloid formation/ 미리보기
Pullin, M. J Pergamon Press 2003
2062 저널기사 The effects of pH, ionic strength, and iron-fulvic acid interactions on the kinetics of non-photochemical iron transformations. II. The kinetics of thermal reduction/ 미리보기
Pullin, M. J Pergamon Press 2003
2063 저널기사 The effects of precedents and client position on auditors' financial accounting policy judgment 미리보기
Salterio, S Pergamon Press 1980
2064 저널기사 The effects of precedents and client position on auditors' financial accounting policy judgment 미리보기
Salterio, S. Pergamon Press 1996
2065 저널기사 The Effects of Restrictive South African Migrant Labor Policy on the Survival of Rural Households in Southern Africa: A Case Study from Rural Swaziland 미리보기
Leliveld, A. PERGAMON PRESS 1997
2066 저널기사 The Effects of Salary and Human Resource Accounting Disclosures on Small Group Relations and Performance 미리보기
Gordon, F. E.;Rhode, J. G.;Merchant, K. A. Pergamon Press 1977
2067 저널기사 The Effects of Structural Adjustment on Deforestation and Forest Degradation in Lowland Bolivia 미리보기
Kaimowitz, D. PERGAMON PRESS 1999
2068 저널기사 The effects of teaching on hospital productivity 미리보기
Grosskopf, S. PERGAMON PRESS 2001
2069 저널기사 The effects of the alongshore wind stress on the top-to-bottom front along the Southern Brazilian coast: a two-dimensional modelling approach/ 미리보기
Ghisolfi, R. D Pergamon Press 2003
2070 저널기사 The effects of the concentration of a polymer dispersant on apparent viscosity and sedimentation behavior of dense slurries/ 미리보기
Tsubaki, Junichiro Pergamon Press 2001
2071 저널기사 The effects of the number and angle of microgrooves on the liquid film in horizontal annular two-phase flow/ 미리보기
Shedd, T. A Pergamon Press 2003
2072 저널기사 The effects of thermochemical sulfate reduction upon formation water salinity and oxygen isotopes in carbonate gas reservoirs 미리보기
Worden, R. H Pergamon Press 1980
2073 저널기사 The effects of varying CO2 concentration on lipid composition and carbon isotope fractionation in Emiliania huxleyi/ 미리보기
Riebesell, Ulf Pergamon Press 2000
2074 저널기사 The Effects of Volatility in the Terms of Trade on Output Growth: New Evidence 미리보기
2075 저널기사 The effects of water radiolysis on local redox conditions in the Oklo, Gabon, natural fission reactors 10 and 16 미리보기
Savary, V Pergamon Press 1980
2076 저널기사 The Efficacy of A Red Flags Questinnaire for Assessing The Possibility of Fraud 미리보기
Pincus, K. V. Pergamon Press 1989
2077 저널기사 The efficacy of long-lasting residual drinking water disinfectants based on hydrogen peroxide and silver/ 미리보기
Pedahzur, R Pergamon Press 2000
2078 저널기사 The efficacy of radiotherapy as postoperative treatment for desmoid tumors/ 미리보기
Jelinek, John A Pergamon Press 2001
2079 저널기사 The efficiency of enhanced biological phosphorus removal from real wastewater affected by different ratios of acetic to propionic acid/ 미리보기
Chen, Y Pergamon Press 2004
2080 저널기사 The elaboration of indices to assess biological water quality 미리보기
Graca, M. A. S Pergamon Press 1980
맨앞 이전 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 
