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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
2101 저널기사 The Enterprise at the Edge 미리보기
2102 저널기사 The epibenthic megafaunal and benthic infaunal invertebrates of Port Foster, Deception Island (South Shetland Islands, Antarctica)/ 미리보기
Lovell, L. L Pergamon Press 2003
2103 저널기사 The epidermal growth factor receptor inhibitor gefitinib (Iressa, ZD 1839) sensitizes human melanoma cells to hyperthermia/ 미리보기
Coss, R. A Pergamon Press 2003
2104 저널기사 The epidermal growth factor receptor mediates radioresistance/ 미리보기
Liang, K Pergamon Press 2003
2105 저널기사 The epistemology of macroeconomic reality: The Keynesian Revolution from an accounting point of view/ 미리보기
Suzuki, T Pergamon Press 2003
2106 저널기사 The epoxy-Ramberg-Baecklund reaction: a new route to allylic alcohols 미리보기
Evans, P Pergamon Press 1980
2107 저널기사 The EPS of Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans - A model for structure-function relationships of attached bacteria and their physiology/ 미리보기
Gehrke, T Pergamon Press 2001
2108 저널기사 The essential oil composition of cunila microcephala and cunila fasciculata 미리보기
De Loreto Bordignon, S. A Pergamon Press 1997
2109 저널기사 The essential oil of Origanum vulgare L. ssp. vulgare growing wild in Vilnius district (Lithuania)/ 미리보기
Mockute, Danute Pergamon Press 2001
2110 저널기사 The estimation of the rotational misorientation by the projected probability function of a displacement of carbon layer planes 미리보기
Fujimoto, H Pergamon Press 1996
2111 저널기사 The estuarine geochemistry of rare earth elements and indium in the Chao Phraya River, Thailand/ 미리보기
Nozaki, Yoshiyuki Pergamon Press 2000
2112 저널기사 The EU Marketing Environment: Pharmaceuticals and Japanese Strategy 미리보기
2113 저널기사 The euro: a seafarer on tides of `stateless' money? 미리보기
Marthinsen, J. PERGAMON PRESS 2000
2114 저널기사 The Eurotunnel Rights Issue: Part Two -- Implementation 미리보기
Stonham, P. PERGAMON PRESS 1995
2115 저널기사 The evaluation of singlet-triplet separations for [W~2(�H)(�Cl) Cl~4(�dppm)~2] and [W~2(�H)~2(�O~2CC~6H~5)~2Cl~2(P(C~6H~5)~3)~2] based on ^3^1P NMR and crystallographic data 미리보기
Lin, C. Carlson-Day, K. M. Concolino, T. E. Eglin, J. L. Pergamon Press 1993
2116 저널기사 The evaluation of the gross defects of carbon nanotubes in a continuous CVD process/ 미리보기
Qian, W Pergamon Press 2003
2117 저널기사 The evaporation coefficient of water 미리보기
Eames, I. W Pergamon Press 1980
2118 저널기사 The evasion and spatial/temporal distribution of mercury species in Long Island Sound, CT-NY/ 미리보기
Rolfhus, Kristofer R Pergamon Press 2001
2119 저널기사 The Everyday Accountant and Researching His Reality 미리보기
Tomkins, C.;Groves, R. Pergamon Press 1983
2120 저널기사 The evolution of short fatigue crack lengths and crack density: two approaches/ 미리보기
Zhao, Y X Pergamon Press 2000
맨앞 이전 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 
