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1 저널기사 A Eukaryotic Type Serine/Threonine Kinase and Phosphatase in Streptococcus agalactiae Reversibly Phosphorylate an Inorganic Pyrophosphatase and Affect Growth, Cell Segregation, and Virulence 미리보기
Rajagopal, L.; Clancy, A.; Rubens, C. E. WAVERLY PRESS INC 2003
2 저널기사 E2F-1 is essential for normal epidermal wound repair 미리보기
D Souza, S. J. A.; Vespa, A.; Murkherjee, S.; Maher, A.; Pajak, A.; Dagnino, L. WAVERLY PRESS INC 2002
3 저널기사 E2F-3B is a physiological target of cyclin A 미리보기
He, Y.; Cress, W. D. WAVERLY PRESS INC 2002
4 저널기사 E2F Mediates Sustained G~2 Arrest and Down-regulation of Stathmin and AIM-1 Expression in Response to Genotoxic Stress 미리보기
Polager, S.; Ginsberg, D. WAVERLY PRESS INC 2003
5 저널기사 E2F Proteins Regulate MYCN Expression in Neuroblastomas 미리보기
Strieder, V.; Lutz, W. WAVERLY PRESS INC 2003
6 저널기사 E2Ls, E2F-like repressors of Arabidopsis that bind to E2F sites in a monomeric form 미리보기
Kosugi, S.; Ohashi, Y. WAVERLY PRESS INC 2002
7 저널기사 Early de novo gene expression is required for 15-deoxy-Delta^1^2^,^1^4-prostaglandin J~2-induced apoptosis in breast cancer cells 미리보기
Clay, C. E.; Atsumi, G.-i.; High, K. P.; Chilton, F. H. WAVERLY PRESS INC 2001
8 저널기사 Early endosomal regulation of Smad-dependent signaling in endothelial cells 미리보기
Panopoulou, E.; Gillooly, D. J.; Wrana, J. L.; Zerial, M.; Stenmark, H.; Murphy, C.; Fotsis, T. WAVERLY PRESS INC 2002
9 저널기사 Early Events in the Anoikis Program Occur in the Absence of Caspase Activation 미리보기
Wang, P.; Valentijn, A. J.; Gilmore, A. P.; Streuli, C. H. WAVERLY PRESS INC 2003
10 저널기사 Early growth response factor-1 is a critical transcriptional mediator of peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-gamma1 gene expression in human aortic smooth muscle cells 미리보기
Fu, M.; Zhang, J.; Lin, Y.; Zhu, X.; Ehrengruber, M. U.; Chen, Y. E. WAVERLY PRESS INC 2002
11 저널기사 Early Mitochondrial Activation and Cytochrome c Up-regulation during Apoptosis 미리보기
Chandra, D.; Liu, J.-W.; Tang, D. G. WAVERLY PRESS INC 2002
12 저널기사 Early steps of Bacillus subtilis primosome assembly 미리보기
Marsin, S.; McGovern, S.; Ehrlich, S. D.; Bruand, C.; Polard, P. WAVERLY PRESS INC 2001
13 저널기사 Earnings Announcements and the Components of the Bid-Ask Spread 미리보기
Krinsky, I. WAVERLY PRESS INC 1996
14 저널기사 Ebselen, a glutathione peroxidase mimetic seleno-organic compound, as a multifunctional antioxidant. Implication for inflammation-associated carcinogenesis 미리보기
Nakamura, Y.; Feng, Q.; Kumagai, T.; Torikai, K.; Ohigashi, H.; Osawa, T.; Noguchi, N.; Niki, E.; Uchida, K. WAVERLY PRESS INC 2002
15 저널기사 E-cadherin homophilic ligation directly signals through Rac and phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase to regulate adhesive contacts 미리보기
Kovacs, E. M.; Ali, R. G.; McCormack, A. J.; Yap, A. S. WAVERLY PRESS INC 2002
16 저널기사 Ecto 5'-Nucleotidase and Nonspecific Alkaline Phosphatase. TWO AMP-HYDROLYZING ECTOENZYMES WITH DISTINCT ROLES IN HUMAN AIRWAYS 미리보기
Picher, M.; Burch, L. H.; Hirsh, A. J.; Spychala, J.; Boucher, R. C. WAVERLY PRESS INC 2003
17 저널기사 Ectopic Expression of Axin Blocks Neuronal Differentiation of Embryonic Carcinoma P19 Cells 미리보기
Lyu, J.; Costantini, F.; Jho, E.-h.; Joo, C.-k. WAVERLY PRESS INC 2003
18 저널기사 Ectopic Expression of Necdin Induces Differentiation of Mouse Neuroblastoma Cells 미리보기
Kobayashi, M.; Taniura, H.; Yoshikawa, K. WAVERLY PRESS INC 2002
19 저널기사 Ectopic expression of protein-tyrosine kinase Bcr-Abl suppresses tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-induced NF-kappaB activation and IkappaBalpha phosphorylation. Relationship with down-regulation of TNF receptors 미리보기
Mukhopadhyay, A.; Shishodia, S.; Suttles, J.; Brittingham, K.; Lamothe, B.; Nimmanapalli, R.; Bhalla, K. N.; Aggarwal, B. B. WAVERLY PRESS INC 2002
20 저널기사 EDD, the human hyperplastic discs protein, has a role in progesterone receptor coactivation and potential involvement in DNA damage response 미리보기
Henderson, M. J.; Russell, A. J.; Hird, S.; Munoz, M.; Clancy, J. L.; Lehrbach, G. M.; Calanni, S. T.; Jans, D. A.; Sutherland, R. L.; Watts, C. K. W. WAVERLY PRESS INC 2002
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