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1 단행본 Eine Deutsch-franzosische Rechtswissenschaft?:kritische Bilanz und Perspektiven eines kulturellen Dialogs 미리보기
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Olivier Beaud, Erk Volkmar Heyen (Hrsg.) Nomos 1999
2 단행본 The Earls case and the student drug testing debate:debating Supreme Court decisions 미리보기
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Kathiann M. Kowalski Enslow Publishers 2006
3 단행본 Early experience and the organization of behavior 미리보기
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John Paul Scott Brooks/Cole Pub. Co 1968
4 단행본 Early Islamic legal theory:the Risala of Muhammad ibn Idris al-Shafii 미리보기
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by Joseph E. Lowry Brill 2007
5 단행본 Early prevention of adult antisocial behaviour 미리보기
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edited by David P. Farrington and Jeremy W. Coid Cambridge University Press 2004
6 단행본 Easements, covenants and profits a< prendre:a consultation paper 미리보기
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Law commission TSO 2008
7 단행본 East Asia and the law of the sea 미리보기
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by Choon-ho Park Seoul National University Press 1983
8 단행본 East Asian and European perspectives on international law 미리보기
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Michael Stolleis, Masaharu Yanagihara (ed.) Nomos 2004
9 단행본 East Asian jurisprudence 미리보기
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Chongko Choi Seoul National University Press 2009
10 단행본 East Asian labor and employment law:international and comparative context 미리보기
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Ronald C. Brown Cambridge University Press 2012
11 단행본 East Asian regionalism from a legal perspective:current features and a vision for the future 미리보기
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edited by Tamio Nakamura Routledge 2011
12 단행본 The East German social courts:law and popular justice in a Marxist-Leninist society 미리보기
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Peter W. Sperlich Praeger Publishers 2007 URL
13 단행본 Easy ways to lower your taxes:simple strategies every taxpayer should know 미리보기
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by Sandra Block and Stephen Fishman Nolo 2008
14 단행본 E-Business law of the European Union 미리보기
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by Quinten Kroes Kluwer Law International 2003
15 단행본 EC and UK competition law:commentary, cases, and materials 미리보기
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Maher M. Dabbah Cambridge University Press 2004
16 단행본 EC competition law 미리보기
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Giorgio Monti Cambridge University Press 2007
17 단행본 EC competition law 미리보기
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D.G. Goyder Oxford University Press 2003
18 단행본 EC competition law:an analytical guide to the leading cases 미리보기
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Ariel Ezrachi Hart Pub. 2008
19 단행본 EC competition law and intellectual property rights:the regulation of innovation 미리보기
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Steven D. Anderman, Hedvig Schmidt Oxford University Press 2011 URL
20 단행본 EC competition law:text, cases, and materials 미리보기
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Alison Jones and Brenda Sufrin Oxford University Press 2008 URL
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