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241 저널기사 Early bone healing events in the human extraction socket/ 미리보기
Devlin, H Munksgaard 2002
242 저널기사 Early books: Holy writ 미리보기
unknown Economist Newspaper Ltd. 2011
243 저널기사 Early British tourists: The rosbifs arrive 미리보기
unknown Economist Newspaper Ltd. 2009
244 저널기사 Early, Bryan, R. Busted Sanctions: Explaining Why Economic Sanctions Fail 미리보기
Lowenberg, Anton D. American Economic Association] 2015
245 저널기사 Early Canal Company Accounts 미리보기
Forrester, D. A. R. Institute of Chartered Accountants 1979
246 저널기사 Early Carboniferous brachiopod faunas and their biogeographical affinities from the western Kunlun Mountains, North-west China/ 미리보기
Chen, Z. Q E. Schweizerbart'sche Verlagsbuchh 2003
247 저널기사 Early Carboniferous onset of Gondwanian glaciation and Neo-tethyan rifting in South Tibet 미리보기
Garzanti, E North-Holland Pub. Co 1980
248 저널기사 Early Carcinoma of the Gastric Cardia in Japan: Is It Different from That in the West?/ 미리보기
Okabayashi, Takehiro Published for the American Cancer Society by J. Wiley [etc.] 2001
249 저널기사 Early cardioversion of atrial fibrillation facilitated by transesophageal echocardiography: short-term safety and impact on maintenance of sinus rhythm at 1 year/ 미리보기
Weigner, Marilyn J University of Virginia School of Medicine 2001
250 저널기사 Early career outcomes of graduate employees: The effect of mentoring and ingratiation 미리보기
Aryee, Samuel B. Blackwell 1996
251 저널기사 Early Career Paths of Economists inside and outside of Academia 미리보기
Lucia Foster ; Erika McEntarfer and Danielle H. Sandler The Association 2023
252 저널기사 Early career teachers' quit intentions: implications for teacher education 미리보기
Pamu, M. R. Emerald Group Publishing Limited 2010
253 저널기사 Early Catheter Removal After Radical Retropubic Prostatectomy: Long-Term Followup/ 미리보기
Koch, M. O American Urological Association Inc 2003
254 저널기사 Early challenges of implementing an e-commerce system in a medical supply company: A case experience from a knowledge transfer partnership (KTP) 미리보기
Martin, K.; Papagiannidis, S.; Li, F.; Bourlakis, M.; Cook, S.; Hansell, A. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam. 2008
Seward, F D Published by the University of Chicago Press for the American Astronomical Society 2001
256 저널기사 Early changes in gene expression profiles of hepatic GVHD uncovered by oligonucleotide microarrays/ 미리보기
Ichiba, T W.B. Saunders Co., etc.] 2003
257 저널기사 Early Changes in Lung Gene Expression due to High Tidal Volume/ 미리보기
Copland, I. B 2003
258 저널기사 Early changes of oxalate and calcium urine excretion in those with calcium oxalate stone formation after extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy/ 미리보기
Oehlschlager, S Excerpta Medica, etc.] 2003
259 저널기사 Early Characteristics of Sturge-Weber Syndrome Shown by Perfusion MR Imaging and Proton MR Spectroscopic Imaging/ 미리보기
Lin, D. D. M American Society of Neuroradiology 2003
260 저널기사 Early childbearing and housing choices 미리보기
Ermisch, J.; Pevalin, D. J. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam 2004
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