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961 저널기사 Earnings Management mad Antitrust Investigations: Political Costs Over Business Cycles 미리보기
Makar, S. D. BLACKWELL 1998
962 저널기사 Earnings management, market discounts and the performance of private equity placements 미리보기
Chen, A. S.; Cheng, L. Y.; Cheng, K. F.; Chih, S. W. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam. 2010
963 저널기사 Earnings management of firms subjected to product price controls 미리보기
964 저널기사 Earnings Management of Profit Firms and Loss Firms in Response to Tax Rate Reductions 미리보기
Yin, Q. J.; Cheng, C. S. A. Emerald 2004
965 저널기사 Earnings management practices from the perspective of external and internal auditors: Evidence from Jordan 미리보기
Al-khabash, A. A.; Al-Thuneibat, A. A. Emerald Group Publishing Limited 2009
966 저널기사 Earnings management preceding management buyout offers 미리보기
Perry, S. E. ELSEVIER 1994
967 저널기사 Earnings management, stock issues, and shareholder lawsuits 미리보기
DuCharme, L. L.; Malatesta, P. H.; Sefcik, S. E. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam. 2004
968 저널기사 Earnings management, surplus free cash flow, and external monitoring 미리보기
Chung, R.; Firth, M.; Kim, J. B. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam. 2005
969 저널기사 Earnings management surrounding CEO changes 미리보기
970 저널기사 Earnings Management Surrounding Seasoned Bond Offerings: Do Managers Mislead Ratings Agencies and the Bond Market? 미리보기
Caton, G.L.; Chiyachantana, C.N.; Chua, C.-T.; Goh, J. University of Washington Graduate School of Business Administration and the Western Finance Association, 2011
971 저널기사 Earnings Management? The Shapes of the Frequency Distributions of Earnings Metrics Are Not Evidence Ipso Facto 미리보기
DURTSCHI, C.; EASTON, P. Institute of Professional Accounting, Graduate School of Business, University of Chicago ; London School of Economics and Political Science, Univer 2005
972 저널기사 Earnings management through real activities manipulation 미리보기
Roychowdhury, S. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam. 2006
973 저널기사 Earnings management through real activities versus accounting techniques: literature review 미리보기
Amina Zgarni; Hassouna Fedhila Inderscience 2022
974 저널기사 Earnings management to avoid earnings decreases and losses 미리보기
Burgstahler, D. ELSEVIER 1997
975 저널기사 Earnings Management to Exceed the Threshold: A Comparative Analysis of Consolidated and Parent-only Earnings 미리보기
Shuto, A. Blackwell Publishing Ltd 2009
976 저널기사 Earnings Management to Influence Tax Policy: Evidence from Large Malaysian Firms 미리보기
Adhikari, A.; Derashid, C.; Zhang, H. Blackwell Publishing Ltd 2005
977 저널기사 Earnings Management to Reduce Earnings Variability: Evidence from Bank Loan Loss Provisions 미리보기
Kanagaretnam, K.; Lobo, G. J.; Mathieu, R. Emerald 2004
978 저널기사 Earnings management under price regulation: Empirical evidence from the Spanish electricity industry 미리보기
Gill-de-Albornoz, B. n.; Illueca, M. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam. 2005
979 저널기사 Earnings management under public offerings and private placements: evidence from China 미리보기
Dang, Li; Yang, Sijing Inderscience 2018
980 저널기사 Earnings Management Using Asset Sales: An International Study of Countries Allowing Noncurrent Asset Revaluation 미리보기
Black, E. L. BLACKWELL 1998
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