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81 저널기사 E2F4-RB and E2F4-p107 complexes suppress gene expression by transforminggrowth factor �through E2F binding sites 미리보기
Li, J.-M National Academy of Sciences[etc.] 1980
82 저널기사 E2F-4 Switches from p130 to p107 and pRB in Response to Cell Cycle Reentry 미리보기
Moberg, K American Society for Microbiology 1980
83 저널기사 E2F6 Negatively Regulates BRCA1 in Human Cancer Cells without Methylation of Histone H3 on Lysine 9/ 미리보기
Oberley, M. J American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology [etc.] 2003
84 저널기사 E2F Activity Is Regulated by Cell Cycle-Dependent Changes in SubcellularLocalization 미리보기
Verona, R American Society for Microbiology 1980
85 저널기사 E2F and Cell Proliferation: A World Turned Upside Down 미리보기
Weinberg, R. A MIT Press 1996
86 저널기사 E2F-dependent mitogenic stimulation of the splicing of transcripts from an S phase-regulated gene 미리보기
Darville, M. I Information Retrieval Limited 1980
87 저널기사 E2F-induced S phase requires cyclin E 미리보기
Duronio, R. J Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory in association with the Genetical Society of Great Britain 1980
88 저널기사 E2F-mediated growth regulation requires transcription factor cooperation 미리보기
Van Ginkel, P. R American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology [etc.] 1980
89 저널기사 E2F Mediates Sustained G~2 Arrest and Down-regulation of Stathmin and AIM-1 Expression in Response to Genotoxic Stress 미리보기
Polager, S.; Ginsberg, D. WAVERLY PRESS INC 2003
90 저널기사 E2F Proteins Regulate MYCN Expression in Neuroblastomas 미리보기
Strieder, V.; Lutz, W. WAVERLY PRESS INC 2003
91 저널기사 e^2/h quantization of the conduction in Cu nanowires/ 미리보기
Gillingham, D. M American Institute of Physics 2003
92 저널기사 E2Ls, E2F-like repressors of Arabidopsis that bind to E2F sites in a monomeric form 미리보기
Kosugi, S.; Ohashi, Y. WAVERLY PRESS INC 2002
93 저널기사 E2/M1 Ratio from the Mainz p(gamma, p)�0 Data 미리보기
Workman, R. L American Physical Society 1980
94 저널기사 E2/M1 Ratio from the Mainz p(gamma, p)�0 Data: Reply 미리보기
Beck, R American Physical Society 1980
95 저널기사 E/2 Modelling and Simulation of Micro EDM Process/ 미리보기
Yu, Z. Y Technische Rundschau 2003
96 저널기사 E^2VoIP^2: Energy efficient voice over IP privacy 미리보기
Charanek, E. A.; Dermanilian, H.; Elhajj, I.; Kayssi, A.; Chehab, A. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam. 2011
97 저널기사 (e, 3e) electronic momentum spectroscopy: perspectives and advantages 미리보기
Popov, Y. V IOP Pub 1980
98 저널기사 E/3 Failure of rapid prototype molds during injection molding/ 미리보기
Colton, J S Technische Rundschau 2001
99 저널기사 E^3 Generation ▪ Service learning: Extending the curriculum 미리보기
unknown CPA JOURNAL 2002
100 저널기사 E/3 High Speed 3D Milling by Dry EDM/ 미리보기
Kunieda, M Technische Rundschau 2003
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