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103001 저널기사 The evolution of growth intentions: Toward a cognition-based model 미리보기
Dutta, D. K.; Thornhill, S. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam. 2008
103002 저널기사 The evolution of health outcomes from childhood to adolescence 미리보기
Contoyannis, P.; Li, J. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam. 2011
103003 저널기사 The evolution of hematopoietic stem cell transplantation for multiple sclerosis/ 미리보기
Bishop, M. R W.B. Saunders Co., etc.] 2003
103004 저널기사 The evolution of Hofstede's doctrine 미리보기
Minkov, M.; Hofstede, G. Emerald Group Publishing Limited 2011
103005 저널기사 The evolution of hog production and potential sources for future growth in China 미리보기
Xiao, H.; Wang, J.; Oxley, L.; Ma, H. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam. 2012
103006 저널기사 The evolution of homosexuality Gender bending 미리보기
unknown Economist Newspaper Ltd. 2008
103007 저널기사 The evolution of honesty 미리보기
Somanathan, E.; Rubin, P. H. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam. 2004
103008 저널기사 The evolution of hotel revenue management 미리보기
Sheryl E Kimes Henry Stewart Pub. 2016
103009 저널기사 The evolution of human capital in an interacting agent economy 미리보기
Bala, Venkatesh North-Holland Pub. Co 1998
103010 저널기사 The evolution of human capital in an interacting agent economy 미리보기
Bala, V. ELSEVIER 1998
103011 저널기사 The Evolution of Human Wisdom 미리보기
Wollenberg, Bruce Routledge 2019
103012 저널기사 The evolution of income disparities among the regions of the European Union 미리보기
Magrini, S. ELSEVIER 1999
103013 저널기사 The Evolution of Index Investing: Past, Present, and Future 미리보기
Marc R. Reinganum; Kenneth A. Blay Institutional Investor 2022
103014 저널기사 The evolution of Indian industrial relations: A comparative perspective 미리보기
103015 저널기사 The Evolution of Individual Male Earnings in Great Britain: 1975-95 미리보기
DICKENS, R. Macmillan 2000
103016 저널기사 The Evolution of Individual Male Earnings in Great Britain: 1975-95 미리보기
103017 저널기사 The evolution of industrial relations in UK nationalized industries 미리보기
Pendleton, Andrew Published by Basil Blackwell for the London School of Economics, etc 1997
103018 저널기사 The evolution of industrial research in Italy: characteristics and perspectives 미리보기
Petroni, G. 00 2001
103019 저널기사 The evolution of inequality after trade liberalization 미리보기
Fischer, R. D. ELSEVIER 2001
103020 저널기사 The evolution of inequality in productivity and wages: panel data evidence 미리보기
Faggio, G.; Salvanes, K. G.; Van Reenen, J. Oxford University Press 2010
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