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103081 저널기사 The evolution of mind Thought for food 미리보기
unknown Economist Newspaper Ltd. 2007
103082 저널기사 The evolution of MNCs' R&D foreign units: the case of Swedish MNCs in India 미리보기
Roger Schweizer; Katarina Lagerström; Johan Jakobsson Emerald Group Publishing Limited
103083 저널기사 The eVOLution of MNCs' R&D foreign units: the case of Swedish MNCs in India 미리보기
Roger Schweizer; Katarina Lagerström; Johan Jakobsson Emerald Group Publishing Limited
103084 저널기사 The evolution of models of public relations: an outsider's perspective 미리보기
Laskin, A. V. Emerald Group Publishing Ltd 2009
103085 저널기사 The Evolution of Modern Canadian Family Law Procedure: The End of The Adversary System? Or Just the End of the Trial? 미리보기
Thompson, D. A. R. SAGE PUBLICATIONS 2003
103086 저널기사 The evolution of modern educational systems 미리보기
Bertocchi, G.; Spagat, M. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam. 2004
103087 저널기사 The Evolution of Modern States: Sweden, Japan, and the United States - By Sven Steinmo 미리보기
JOSHI, D. Blackwell Publishing Ltd 2012
103088 저널기사 The evolution of modularity and architectural innovation: web-enabled collective development of a tangible artefact 미리보기
Carignani, G.; Andriani, P.; De Toni, A.F. unknown 2011
103089 저널기사 The evolution of money as a medium of exchange 미리보기
Luo, G. Y. ELSEVIER 1999
103090 저널기사 The Evolution of Money. By David Orrell and Roman Chlupatý . New York: Columbia University Press, 2016. x + 309 pp. Figures, notes, bibliography, index. Cloth, 미리보기
James J. Angel Harvard Graduate School of Business Administration : Cambridge University Press 2017
103091 저널기사 The EVOLution of Money. By David orrell and Roman Chlupatý . New York: Columbia University Press, 2016. x + 309 pp. Figures, notes, bibliography, index. Cloth, $35.00. ISBN: 978-0-231-17372-8. 미리보기
James J. Angel Cambridge University Press
103092 저널기사 The Evolution of National Constitutions 미리보기
Scott F. Abramson ; Michael J. Barber Now 2019
103093 저널기사 The evolution of network positions in emerging and converging technologies 미리보기
Low, B.; Johnston, W. J. Emerald Group Publishing Limited 2009
103094 저널기사 The Evolution of Neuromarketing Research: From Novelty to Mainstream: How Neuro Research Tools Improve Our Knowledge about Advertising 미리보기
Horst Stipp World Advertising Research Center Ltd. 2015
103095 저널기사 The evolution of New Moscow: from panacea to polycentricity 미리보기
Argenbright, Robert V.H. Winston & Son 2018
103096 저널기사 The Evolution of New Product Rumors in Online Consumer Communities: Social Identity or Social Impact? 미리보기
Thompson, S.A.; Ward, J.C. Association for Consumer Research 2008
103097 저널기사 The evolution of non-cooperative behaviour: the case of post-transitional Estonia 미리보기
Poder, K. MCB 2009
103098 저널기사 The Evolution of Organizational Analysis In ASQ, 1959-1979 미리보기
Daft, Richard L. Graduate School of Business and Public Administration, Cornell University 1978
103099 저널기사 The Evolution of Organizational Conventions and Gains from Diversity 미리보기
103100 저널기사 The evolution of organizational routines among large Western and Japanese firms 미리보기
Massini, S.; Lewin, A. Y.; Numagami, T.; Pettigrew, A. M. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam. 2002
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