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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
103381 저널기사 The Exact Analysis of the Multistage Model Explaining Dose-Response Concavity 미리보기
103382 저널기사 The exact bias of s^2 in linear panel regressions with spatial autocorrelation 미리보기
Hanck, C.; Kramer, W. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam. 2011
103383 저널기사 The Exact Distribution of the Hansen—Jagannathan Bound 미리보기
Kan, Raymond; Robotti, Cesare Institute of Management Sciences] 2016
103384 저널기사 The exact distribution of the maximum likelihood estimators for the linear regression negative exponential model 미리보기
Knight, J. L North-Holland 1980
103385 저널기사 The exact distribution of the TSLS estimator for a non-Gaussian just-identified linear structural equation 미리보기
Forchini, G. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam. 2007
103386 저널기사 The exact Dynamical Wave Fields for a Crystal With a Constant Strain Gradient of the Basis of the Takagi-taupin Equations/ 미리보기
KATAGAWA, T Published for the International Union of Crystallography by Munksgaard 1974
103387 저널기사 The Exact Formula for Tumor Incidence in the Two-Stage Model 미리보기
103388 저널기사 The exact general formulae for the moments and the MSE dominance of the Stein-rule and positive-part Stein-rule estimators 미리보기
Ohtani, K. ELSEVIER 1996
103389 저널기사 The exact law of large numbers for independent random matching 미리보기
Duffie, D.; Sun, Y. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam 2012
103390 저널기사 The exact law of large numbers via Fubini extension and characterization of insurable risks 미리보기
Sun, Y. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam 2006
103391 저널기사 The exact likelihood of an antoregressive-moving average model with incomplete data 미리보기
Penzer, J Cambridge University Press 1980
103392 저널기사 The exact lower bound for the Coleman index of the power of a collectivity for a special class of simple majority games 미리보기
Roy, S. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam. 2008
103393 저널기사 The Exact One-Dimensional Theory for End-Loaded Fully Anisotropic Beams of Narrow Rectangular Cross Section/ 미리보기
Ladev�ze, P American Society of Mechanical Engineers 2001
103394 저널기사 The exact powers of some autocorrelation tests when the disturbances are heteroscedastic 미리보기
Small, J. P. ELSEVIER 1994
103395 저널기사 The Exact Risks of Some Pre-test and Stein-Type Regression Estimators Under Balanced Loss 미리보기
Giles, J. A Marcel Dekker, inc.] 1980
103396 저널기사 The exact solution of the Riemann problem with non-zero tangential velocities in relativistic hydrodynamics/ 미리보기
Pons, Jos� A Cambridge University Press [etc.] 2000
103397 저널기사 The exact solution of two new types of Schroedinger equation 미리보기
Exton, H The Institute of Physics 1980
103398 저널기사 The Exaggerated Death of Indian Democracy 미리보기
Rahul Verma National Endowment for Democracy 2023
103399 저널기사 The examination of the three-dimensional actuator with pinning effect in bulk high-Tc superconductor/ 미리보기
Torii, S North-Holland 2003
103400 저널기사 The EXAMINE North Berwick experiment/ 미리보기
Williams, M L Elsevier 2000
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