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103421 저널기사 The Exception Is the Rule: Underestimating and Overspending on Exceptional Expenses 미리보기
Sussman, A.B.; Alter, A.L. Journal of Consumer Research, Inc., etc.] 2014
103422 저널기사 The Exceptions Clause as a Structural Safeguard 미리보기
Grove, T.L. Columbia University School of Law 2013
103423 저널기사 The Excess Burden of Taxation 미리보기
Creedy, J. Blackwell Publishing Ltd 2004
103424 저널기사 The excess burden of tax evasion-An experimental detection-concealment contest 미리보기
Bayer, R. C.; Sutter, M. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam. 2009
103425 저널기사 The Excess Capital Hypothesis and Cyclical Changes in Loan Underwriting 미리보기
Stevenson, B.G. Risk Management Association 2014
103426 저널기사 The Excess Co-movement of Commodity Prices 미리보기
R. S. PINDYCK;J. J. ROTEMBERG ; unknown 1990
103427 저널기사 The Excess Co-movement of Commodity Prices Reconsidered 미리보기
Deb, P. WILEY 1996
103428 저널기사 The Excess Comovement of Commodity Prices Revisited 미리보기
Leybourne, S. J. PERGAMON PRESS 1994
103429 저널기사 The excess health care costs of KardioPro, an integrated care program for coronary heart disease prevention 미리보기
Becker, C.; Holle, R.; Stollenwerk, B. Elsevier : Elsevier Science Pub. Co. 2015
103430 저널기사 The excess molar enthalpy and cross-term second virial coefficients of (nitrogen + propane) and (nitrogen + butane) from T = (241.2 to 393.4) K 미리보기
Wormald, C. J Academic Press 1980
103431 저널기사 The exchange coupling and spin waves in metallic magnets: removal of the long-wave approximation/ 미리보기
Antropov, V. P North-Holland Pub. Co 2003
103432 저널기사 The Exchange of Emotional Support With Age and Its Relationship With Emotional Well-Being by Age 미리보기
Keyes, C. L. M. Gerontological Society of America 2002
103433 저널기사 The Exchange of Impact Ejecta Between Terrestrial Planets 미리보기
Gladman, B. J American Association for the Advancement of Science 1980
103434 저널기사 The Exchange Rate and Company Failure in the Macro-micro Model of the UK Company Sector 미리보기
A. W. GOUDIE;G. MEEKS; unknown 1991
103435 저널기사 The exchange rate and fiscal consolidation episodes in emerging market economies 미리보기
Mati, A.; Thornton, J. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam. 2008
103436 저널기사 The Exchange Rate and Inflation in the UK 미리보기
Kara, A.; Nelson, E. Blackwell Publishing Ltd 2003
103437 저널기사 The Exchange Rate and its Fundamentals in a Complex World 미리보기
Grauwe, P. D.; Grimaldi, M. Blackwell Publishing Ltd 2005
103438 저널기사 The exchange rate and machinery and equipment imports: Identifying the impact of import source and export destination country currency valuation changes 미리보기
Landon, S.; Smith, C. E. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam. 2007
103439 저널기사 The exchange rate and macroeconomic determinants: Time-varying transitional dynamics 미리보기
Yuan, C. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam. 2011
103440 저널기사 The Exchange Rate and Macroeconomic Policy: Changing Postwar Perceptions. 미리보기
McKinnon Ronald I American Economic Assonication
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