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103521 저널기사 The Ex-factor 미리보기
Drummond, H. Blackwell Publishing Ltd 2005
103522 저널기사 The Ex-Factor: Examining the Gendered Effect of Divorce on Voter Turnout 미리보기
103523 저널기사 The Exhaustion of Patent Rights under WTO Law 미리보기
Bronckers, Marco C. E. J Werner Pub 1998
103524 저널기사 The Exhaustion of Patent Rights under WTO Law 미리보기
Bronckers, M. C. E. J. WERNER PUB CO LTD 1998
103525 저널기사 The exhaustive silylation of 5-nitro-pentan-2-one: novel processes and opportunities/ 미리보기
Tishkov, Alexander A Pergamon Press 2001
103526 저널기사 THE EXHIBITIONIST 미리보기
Crair, B. The Republic Pub. Co 2015
103527 저널기사 The exhibitionists - From the Guggenheim to the Victoria and Albert, museums are putting frocks on a pedestal. David Colman talks to the "fashion is art" faction/ 미리보기
Conde Nast Publications, etc.] 2002
103528 저널기사 The exile of political theory: The lost homeland legitimation 미리보기
Simons, Jon Butterworth Scientific Ltd. [etc.] 1995
103529 저널기사 The Existence and Life of Law 미리보기
Urbina, S. Blackwell Publishing Ltd 2003
103530 저널기사 The Existence and Nature of Physician Agency: Evidence of Stinting from the British National Health Service 미리보기
Chalkley, M.; Tilley, C. MIT PRESS 2005
103531 저널기사 The existence and non-existence of common fixed points for commuting families of holomorphic mappings/ 미리보기
Kuczumow, Tadeusz Pergamon Press 2001
103532 저널기사 The existence and source of stock return predictability: Evidence from dividend, output and consumption ratios 미리보기
David McMillan;Angela Black;Olga Klinkowska;Fiona McMillan HENRY STEWART PUBLICATIONS
103533 저널기사 The Existence and Uniqueness of Optimal Pollution Policy in the Presence of Victim Defense Measures 미리보기
McKitrick, R.; Collinge, R. A. ACADEMIC PR 2002
103534 저널기사 The existence and use of ‘evil’ in international politics 미리보기
Anna Geis ; Christopher Hobson Kluwer Law International 2014
103535 저널기사 The Existence and Vertical Structure of Fast, Eastward-Moving Disturbances in the Equatorial Troposphere 미리보기
Milliff, R. F American Meteorological Society 1980
103536 저널기사 The existence of a duplicated or parallel genetic system for fertility restoration in cmsC of maize (Zea mays L.) 미리보기
Vidakovic, M Istituto sperimentale per la cerealicoltura, Section of Bergamo, Italy 1997
103537 저널기사 The existence of a hexameric intermediate with molten-globule-like properties in the thermal denaturation of bovine-liver glutamate dehydrogenase 미리보기
Singh, N North-Holland Pub. Co 1980
103538 저널기사 The existence of a mesophase in poly(ethylene naphthalate) 미리보기
Jakeways, R Butterworth Scientific Ltd. [etc.] 1996
103539 저널기사 The existence of an asymptotic thermally developed region for laminar forced convection in a circular duct 미리보기
Barletta, A Pergamon Press 1980
103540 저널기사 The existence of a numeraire currency in foreign exchange: Evidence from transaction spot rates 미리보기
Herbst, Anthony F Elsevier Science Inc 1997
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