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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
103601 저널기사 The expanded equity method -- an alternative in accounting for investments in joint ventures. 미리보기
Dieter, Richard; Wyatt, Arthur R Ameican Institute of Cerified Public Accountant
103602 저널기사 The expanded Hansen approach to solubility parameters. Paracetamol and citric acid in individual solvents 미리보기
Barra, J Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain 1980
103603 저널기사 The Expanded Horizon for Achieving Entrepreneurial Success 미리보기
Miner, J. B. 00 1997
103604 저널기사 The Expanded Human Kallikrein (KLK) Gene Family: Genomic Organisation, Tissue-Specific Expression and Potential Functions/ 미리보기
Clements, Judith W. de Gruyter 2001
103605 저널기사 The expanded model of cultural intelligence and its explanatory power in the context of expatriation intention 미리보기
Richter, Nicole Franziska; Schlaegel, Christopher; Bakel, Marian Van; Engle, Robert L. Inderscience 2020
RINIER, JAMES W.; CURATOLA, ANTHONY P.  Institute of Management Accountants 2017
103607 저널기사 The Expanded Racial and Ethnic Codes in the Medicare Data Files: Their Completeness of Coverage an d Accuracy 미리보기
Lauderdale, D. S American Public Health Association 1980
103608 저널기사 The Expanded Skills Confidence Inventory: Measuring basic dimensions of vocational activity 미리보기
Betz, N. E.; Borgen, F. H.; Rottinghaus, P.; Paulsen, A.; Halper, C. R.; Harmon, L. W. ACADEMIC PRESS 2003
103609 저널기사 The Expanding Altera Effect: Are Periodic Adjustments Next? 미리보기
Finley, Ryan Tax Analysts 2018
103610 저널기사 The Expanding Domain of Economics. 미리보기
Hirshleifer Jack American Economic Assonication
103611 저널기사 The Expanding European Union, Past, Present, Future, edited by J. Redmond and G. G. Rosenthal 미리보기
Cameron, F. BLACKWELL 1999
103612 저널기사 The Expanding Gender Earnings Gap: Evidence from the LEHD-2000 Census 미리보기
Goldin, Claudia; Kerr, Sari Pekkala; Olivetti, Claudia; Barth, Erling American Economic Association 2017
103613 저널기사 The expanding importance of risk management 미리보기
unknown American Society for Quality Control 2013
103614 저널기사 The expanding judicial review of contractual discretion: carte blanche or carton rouge?: Courts are increasingly resisting limitations on the power to review the exercise of contractual discretions 미리보기
Hare, C. Butterworth & Co. 2013
103615 저널기사 The expanding library wall: Outreach to the University of Tennessee's multicultural/international student population 미리보기
Puente, M. A.; Gray, L.; Agnew, S. Emerald Group Publishing Limited 2009
103616 저널기사 The expanding programmatic playground. 미리보기
By: Furtado, Zane Profile Publishing 2017
103617 저널기사 The Expanding Role of CPAs in a Changing Business Environment. 미리보기
Smith Sean Stein New York State Society of Certified Public Accountants 2014
103618 저널기사 The expanding role of intangible assets of the brand 미리보기
Gupta, S.; Grant, S.; Melewar, T. C. Emerald Group Publishing Limited 2008
103619 저널기사 The expanding role of revenue management in the airline industry 미리보기
Ben Vinod Henry Stewart Pub. 2015
103620 저널기사 The expanding role of university patenting in the life sciences: assessing the importance of experience and connectivity 미리보기
Owen-Smith, J.; Powell, W. W. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam. 2003
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