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103741 저널기사 The Experimental Hand: How Platform-Based Experimentation Reconfigures Worker Autonomy 미리보기
Rahman HA; Weiss T; Karunakaran A Academy of Management 2023
103742 저널기사 The Experimental Hardness and Electronegativity of the Purines and Pyrimidines in DNA and RNA Supported by the AM1 Calculation of the Electron Affinities and Ionization Potentials 미리보기
Qi, Z Academic Press 1980
103743 저널기사 The experimental investigation of copper for superconductors/ 미리보기
Vorobieva, A North-Holland 2001
103744 저널기사 The Experimental Investigation of Jet Fan Aerodynamics Using Wind TunnelModeling 미리보기
Mutama, K. R American Society of Mechanical Engineers 1996
103745 저널기사 The Experimental Panel Data Resources at the Poverty Institute Data Center. 미리보기
Dickinson Katherine ; Watts Harold W. American Economic Assonication
103746 저널기사 The experimental verification of the condition of the magnetic material caused by different technological processes/ 미리보기
Tumanski, Slawomir North-Holland Pub. Co 2000
103747 저널기사 THE EXPERIMENTER. 미리보기
By: Kindred, Edward Profile Publishing 2017
103748 저널기사 THE EXPERIMENT: How Steven Chu lost his battle with Washington 미리보기
Homans, C. The Republic Pub. Co. 2012
103749 저널기사 The Experiment in the History of Economics 미리보기
Backhouse, R. E. Blackwell Publishing Ltd 2006
103750 저널기사 The Experiment in the History of Economics. Edited by PHILIPPE FONTAINE and ROBERT LEONARD 미리보기
JONES, M. T. Fisher Unwin 2007
103751 저널기사 The Experiment Must Continue: Medical Research and Ethics in East Africa, 1940–2014 by Melissa Graboyes Athens, OH: Ohio University Press, 2015. Pp. 350. £23·99 (pbk) 미리보기
Georgina Pearson Cambridge Univ. Pr. 2017
103752 저널기사 The Expermental Charhe Distribution in Sulfur-Containing Molecules.Structure Determination and Electron Density Study of NaScNat Reduced emperatures./ 미리보기
BATS, J. W Published for the International Union of Crystallography by Munksgaard 1977
103753 저널기사 The expert citizen: The key to future police legitimacy? 미리보기
Colin Rogers ; Geoff Coliandris [Barry Rose Law Periodicals, etc.]. 2015
103754 저널기사 The Expertise of Finance and Accountancy: an Interdisciplinary Study 미리보기
Birts, A. WILEY 1997
103755 저널기사 The expertise of politicians and their role in epistemic communities 미리보기
Grødem, Anne Skevik ; Hippe, Jon M. Macmillan Journals 2019
103756 저널기사 The Experts’ War on Poverty: Social Research and the Welfare Agenda in Postwar America. By Romain D. Huret, translated by John Angell. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, 2018. Pp. 246. $38.94, hardcover. 미리보기
Andrew Goodman-Bacon Economic History Association at the University of Pennsylvania [etc.] 2019
103757 저널기사 The Expert Witness in Plastic Surgery: Criteria and Obligations/ 미리보기
Rohrich, R. J Williams & Wilkins 2003
103758 저널기사 The Explanation of Inflation: Some International Evidence. 미리보기
Brunner Karl ; Meltzer Allan H. American Economic Assonication
103759 저널기사 The Explanatory Power and the Forecast Performance of Consumer Confidence Indices for Private Consumption Growth in Turkey 미리보기
Karasoy Can, Hatice Gökçe; Yüncüler, Çağlar M.E. Sharpe 2018
103760 저널기사 The Explanatory Power of Alternative Theories of Inflation and Unemployment, 1895-1979 미리보기
John D. Rea M I T Press
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