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Hinshaw, Ada Sue 삭제
2001 삭제


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1 저널기사 FROM THE AMERICAN ACADEMY OF NURSING - AAN News & Opinion - Ada Sue Hinshaw and Margaret McClure discuss workforce issues. Dr Patricia Benner, chair, provides an update on the Expert Panel of Ethics. Linda E. Moody, PhD, FAAN, MPH, recalls the opportunities and challenges she encountered as a senior scholar in residence./ 미리보기
Hinshaw, Ada Sue American Journal of Nursing Co 2001
2 저널기사 FROM THE AMERICAN ACADEMY OF NURSING - AAN News & Opinion - Ada Sue Hinshaw discusses the need for global collegiality and collaboration. The Academy participated in the ICN Quadrennial Conference and established two new expert panels. Mary Wakefield, PhD, RN, FAAN, describes ways nurse authors should connect their manuscript topics with specific public policies. Christine Kovner, PhD, RN, FAAN, describes her working experience at the Agency for Health Care Policy and Research./ 미리보기
Hinshaw, Ada Sue American Journal of Nursing Co 2001
3 저널기사 FROM THE AMERICAN ACADEMY OF NURSING - AAN News & Opinion - Ada Sue Hinshaw, PhD, RN, FAAN, President of AAN, discusses the new annual giving campaign. Four new Living Legends are announced. Cynda Hylton Rushton, DNSC, RN, FAAN, and Kathleen Hartman Sabatier, MS, RN, discuss the Nursing Leadership Consortium on End-of-Life Care./ 미리보기
Hinshaw, Ada Sue American Journal of Nursing Co 2001
4 저널기사 FROM THE AMERICAN ACADEMY OF NURSING - AAN News & Opinion - Ada Sue Hinshaw, PhD, RN, FAAN, reviews the year for the Academy./ 미리보기
Hinshaw, Ada Sue American Journal of Nursing Co 2001
5 저널기사 FROM THE AMERICAN ACADEMY OF NURSING - AAN News & Opinion - Ada Sue Hinshaw, RN, PhD, MAN, discusses the need for collaboration. The AAN Strategic Plan is presented. Terri Gaffney, RN, MPA, delivers a report on the first quarter of 2001. The John A. Hartford Foundation scholarships are announced./ 미리보기
Hinshaw, Ada Sue American Journal of Nursing Co 2001
